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5 ‘Hard Truths’ About Marriage Most People Learn Hard Way

Is one of the marriage the most award even Hard trips in life. Although we are often included with high expectations, reality is a lifetime learning process of marriage.

Like psychologist Every day, I worked with many people who understand couples, conflict, frustration or even the most strictest marriage lessons after living in divorce.

If you can now accept these five harsh truths about marriage, you have more likely to have a happy and successful relationship:

1. Love alone is not enough to catch a marriage together.

2. You are going to fight … too.

One of the biggest mistakes about marriage is that the people who are really suitable for fit. But only the conflict is not inevitable, it is also important. In fact, the lack of conflict means that important issues are swept under the carpet.

And not the battle caused by relationships – this is the case Couples choose to control the disagreement. A healthy conflict can then lead to deeper and meaningful conversations about the needs of the need and bring the door to deep, meaningful conversations about the needs later.

My advice is to learn to fight enough. There are no guin games, there are no petrification and personal attacks. Create a safe place where you can both be honest with honest and judgment.

3. Your partner – and you can’t – can’t meet all your needs.

Many people enter a marriage by thinking that his wife “everything” will be “everything” – the best friend, emotional support system, cheerleader and problem solver. It is unrealistic to wait for a person to fulfill each other’s need for each other to support each other.

Healthy spouses recognize the importance of individuality. Means to protect individual interests, friendships and goals. Being strong outside marriage, it prevents and prevents harm to what is disrupting and drowning.

Always remember that an evolving relationship is two whole, complementary persons – not two halves trying to complete each other.

4. Without constant care, your marriage will collapse.

Many couples do not appreciate how much work is to have a healthy marriage.

The phase of the honeymoon can feel diligent, but over time, the responsibilities of life – work, children, finance, health – often put the connection lower on the priority list.

You should have regular inspection and planned quality time. You can’t wait for a marriage without consistent care, as you won’t expect a car forever.

5. You both go to change separately.

I am an American in a $ 2100 / monthly luxury, Denmark, 2-room apartment

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