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5 Mythical Tales That Need the Big-Screen Treatment After Christopher Nolan’s The Odyssey

The Greek mythology, which is at least once a day, has a very special sign of the Greek mythology. Yes, this is our Roman Empire and with this news Christopher Nolan (Inter-Stars) intends to carefully collect the spectacular myth Odyssey For a large screen with pretty epic castingWe are so ready for our time.

Recently we got our great swings that have been adapted here and kidnapped there like Netflix Kaos Jeff Goldblum was Zeus (before his time) and the little swings that were in the great heights, as soon as the Perspo’s new meetings Rachel Smythe’s Willed and RichS Video Games. Most of the original tales of fairy tales have been revised and re-commented on patriarchal-inclined translations; There is a tendency to turn to other versions of the existing myths for a long time, but as he said, we said we brought a new foundation to the stories we know. For one, the Persphon, who has more agency as the queen of the world, was popularly accepted in its superiority. And we are ready to see that it happens more frequently with other favorites.

Hades and Persephone

Revalking Hades’s fairy tale, the ruler of the world and the Queen Persephone, Spring goddess, was a celebrity in the crowd of spring, or romantic literature. Bitch Willed A giant in both digit downloads in WebTOON and physical print. Indeed, as the creator Rachel SMYTHE’s magnificent artist’s grooming is gratified, and rejoiced with a cute to deprive the couple, and rejoiced with a cute with a cute with the love of the couple. And of course there is a game of game interested in heroic children: son Zagreus (the main character of the main character in the Supergian Games’ Wise to release) and daughter Melinoe (who is leading) HADES II).

Both features, gifts and persephone, reluctance to combined texts that contradict their different comments and children who contradict their stories long. You know someone who stole you from his mother and allows him to return to the earth in spring. We prefer a Persphone with the agency and want to see his story on the screen because he got his king and had super strong children. Now we look forward to Jim Henson’s Cartoon Adaptation WilledHowever, the battery did not make the device with Sydney Sweeney (Flawless) Wishes us for a live movie.

Orpheus and Eurydice

Seen in the latest Netflix Kaos As the main story of the god and death between death, if you remind the orfey and the eurydice song is a tragic. A modern day that Mount Mount Olympus re-described the myths has made a satisfying change, but the lesson of the actual story is all other attempts when the nature of the lesson.

So we hope the stage musical adaptation Gloved (He again is the next great music to shoot the movie screens in a fair king). Anaïh Mitchell’s concept album was treated by the director of the show Rachel Chavki, and this was debuted at a time that the myth survived, unit and victim in time. Also has a role Penny dreadedReeve Carney and Bounce Performer Eva Noble (Yellow rose), If it is followed, it can still star in a large display version of it. The speeches like Orfey and Eurydice are so loved, they and have original casting spitting their roles on the nearest west endIt will be tiled according to the claim. So you have at least! In Indie Radar Strange things Star Sadie Zinc takes a role in post-apocalyptic, took a gender tilt myth Odessa For Hulu.


The first thing I breathe a break when the Russo brothers returned to the marve Disney’s upcoming vibrant moving matches Herdulls– I hope that Guy Ritchie gave up on it. If the studio can hit no longer later, it would be smart for the one with one with one with one Bad Like Jon M. Chu and Megara as director and Ariana Grande. The best threesome for Muses were seated and properly prepared together with the casting of singers and singers.

Now I know that you think I’m talking about Disney’s Herdulls Not Hercules and 10 tasks ordered by the gods. Well, you remember Herdulls Dwwone plays the role of Johnson? Or Legend of Herakul role TwilightKellan Lutz? No? Exactly. I remember the songs of Disney Classic and more Hunk-Ules’ legend with Chu’s Ali can be used to expand the story as the director Bad.

Eros and psyche

Cupid and Mental Lore Olympus WebToon

Eros (Cupid) and mental Greek myths are more than for all versions of all versions of beauty and animal story. The beautiful girl is sent by family or citiesfolkkol or takes care of a terrible monster who better treated her than they do and are jealous; The interesting takes his best and it turns out to be warm in the level of the wolf … or you know a real god. The real myth has more tragedy – we still loved the layers presented WilledHe encouraged the heroism of the psyche as a great factor in the role. We would like to see this myth back to the roots as a nuclear love story for a new series; think Bridgermon However, in ancient times, make their myths in a detailed suit.


Medusa Netflix Chaos
© Netflix

Justice for Medusa! For any reason, it continues to take place in matches such as Medusa Kaos On a small side or antagonist, thankfully, it was corrected in favor of the complexity Percy Jackson and the Olympians Disney +. The story like a wolf just to kill a person’s desire Bad treatment; It does not have to be a victim of the situation, it is a strong figure that can stone the patriarch. And his tale needs to be explained again.

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