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How I Podcast: Summer Album / Winter Album’s Jody Avirgan

The beauty of podcasting is that everyone can do. It is a rare tool that is as easy as it is approximately consumed. And so no two do it in the same way. There are open hardware and software solutions for potential podcasts, so installation, so much installation, NPR studios to USB Skype facilities (the second is a kind of standard during pandemic).

Photo credits:Jody avirgan

This week, we talked to Jody Avirgan, a guest “Summer album / winter album” American Indie Rock Group is continuous with the front of the group, Craig Finn. Each episode finds Avirgan and Finn to not classify a classical note as a “summer album” or “winter album”.

Previously, Radiootopia, Ted, Fivethirtyeight and ESPN hosted by Avirgan, and ESPN gave information about the establishment of podcasting. Here he has his own words:

“When I was working on ESPN / Fivethirtyeight, I always marked a home record. Since the beginning of the pandemic – the basement of the basement is the kitchen of the apartment of the pandema, so behind a curtains, refrigerator (emptied) , lavabo and a large number of cabinets.

“But I hung tone curtains, I scattered the surrounding soft things and raised the silent panels. I think it sounds comfortably and quite warm. My microphone, $ 500, $ 500, $ 500, $ 500 -dir.

“To be clear: I did not make a re27. 30 When I was home, I left the ESPN three weeks ago, and I have asked them to return the microphone. I didn’t follow. So I have kept. It probably decreases the Disney Fund in the last five years. It is a very hot microphone, but one It is Behemot.

“When I’m on the go, I collect a AT2020-USB + and stop watching a hotel closet anywhere – usually a hotel closet with a natural habitat.

Photo credits:Jody avirgan

“I’m working on a simple but powerful interface that allows you to control my microphone levels and a route to my microphone levels and my computer through Microphone Scarlett 2i2, using Hindenburg always saving to Dropbox I note a local backup file. All roads lead to Dropbox.

“A place I devoted from a 101 set of typical Podcaster. Everyone has Sony MDR-7506, but a lot of NTH-100 headphones. These are a little more comfortable, and so far, so far padding, Sony ‘ The inevitably padding, after finding, did not break down in the ears that find small black departments in their ears.

Photo credits:Jody avirgan

“As a large number of podcasts, I’m more and more video products. I have used the description for years, but as audio and video realms are connected to this point, I do almost all of our conversations. I do social videos of our conversations”Today“And”Spring album / winter album“Also the original items I played in Instagram.

“I am a series every week Try to guess the title This week’s New Yorker cover and I use a template to describe it and convert it as 20 minutes using a template I built. Surrender – I am a great fan. It is very nice and nice to work with an app that is visible to give a flutter about what podcasters want to want from protools.

“I guess I also thought of the fair amount of my visual structure. I recommended webcamambut, but I prefer the view of the Macbook camera, so I usually use it some books to prove I know I know. On the wing Death “and a signed photo of George Mikan, who works a little in fake plants worth $ 28 from IKEA.

“I don’t think the appearance is, so I don’t think people cannot see that plants are not; but I like to know you are there and I know it will always be for forever plastics.”

Earlier, we wanted the equipment and software they used to work from the homeowner and the manufacturers of our favorite podcasts – to work. So far, the list includes:

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