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RFK Jr.’s Measles Cure? Cod Liver Oil and a Whole Lot of Other Nonsense

The measles in Texas continues to be angry. In the last interview, Kennedy supported the supposed benefits of additions and steroids for measles.

RFK Jr., which has been affected by more than 200 residents since mid-January, forces the newspaper to discuss the federal government’s reaction to the newspaper of the federal government. Medical analyst in a 35-minute interview with FOX News. Marc Siegel, stationed Last week, Kennedy, the code claimed many suspects in connection with the liver oil pills, steroids and antibiotics could be useful for viral disease.

Cod is also known that there are also Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D, a study can be heavier in children with vitaminous infections, and groups such as World Health Organization recommend Doctors provide vitamin A to children infected with a measles in areas where the oppressor is common.

However, a deficiency of vitamins is incredibly rare in the United States (perhaps effect) 0.3% of the general population). Moreover, the benefits of vitamin A for a measles are usually higher than high doses of high doses from a cod liver oil pill. There is no evidence that the code may be useful for the liver oil to measles. People can suffer from a toxicity from a toxicity with many additions and toxicity The bigger problem More than shortages in the United States.

RFK Jr. also praised the value of Budesonidin, a steroid and an antibiotic, claiming that local doctors rehabilitated “miraculous and instant-medical” after such treatment. Doctors have always used steroids during the occasion of serious measles, including in 2017 in Italy. 2023 investigating this explosion ruminate This steroid use was not related to worse results. However, there is no clear evidence of steroids that steroids have a standard treatment for the disease. Antibiotics can be used to treat the secondary bacterial infections that can emerge from measles, but can not treat viral infections in general.

During the interview, Kennedy also tried to lower the threat of measles, which is only poor and life-threatening events, which are only poor diets and lacking training.

“It’s very difficult to kill a fatal person in measles,” he said, “It was a relationship between people who do not have a good feeding or a good exercise or a good exercise.”

True, nutrition can be a risk factor for heavy measles and other infections. But measles can completely kill healthy people, especially if they are young. Texas Health Authorities previously reported So far, the only measles of measles in the state, a school age, which has no main conditions, participated in the state; But the child was evacuated. It is highly effective in reducing the severity of the measles, and the violence of any infection, which is rarely occurred. According to the World Health Organization (Kim), there are measles vaccination programs in the world prevented 60 million deaths from measles since 2000.

Kennedy supports the vaccine of measles lately, but surely the leader of a public health did not approach what is required and expected. Both fox news and Op-ed this month agoHe acknowledged that the vaccine could prevent measles and the vaccine rate is widely recommended in communities, which is relatively low. At the same time, he claimed that these vaccinations are very risky to believe many experts and the individual choice of vaccine. Rfk jr. have Long spread error information By supporting measles, mummes and rubella vaccine and others, including supporting a debunked connection between MMR images and autism.

In other places, the agencies in the new HHS in Kennedy also took steps to violate the people’s vaccine. CDC reported reported For example, a new major research that sketches can lead to autism, for example, despite the provision of other evidence for decades. And national health institutions are no longer Research research The vaccine is aimed at reducing hesitation.

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