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Marvel and DC’s Comics Will Cross Over Once Again

After moving against each other for years Dishonorable and DC comics They come together again on the page with a new crossover.

The relevant editors of Marvel and DC, the relevant editors of the Marvel and DC, announced the joint incident in the relevant announcement of Marvel and DC this week. They did not show any work of art or declared a creative group, but according to the comicsbeat Heidi MacDonaldThis meeting will take a blow picture twice, Marvel / DC and DC / Marvel.

Long-time comics fans will remember that the big two are no strangers to hang on the day. This was the first time in the 1970s and 80s spider-man Superman or Teen Titans and X-Men received a picture of various images in one-80s. There were in the late 90s DC Versus Marvel and Amalgam Age Comics, each publisher opposite the relevant heroes (Batman vs Captain American or silver Surfer vs. Green Flashlight and Green Lantern and Silver Surfer vs. Green Flashlight. The heroes of Amalgam books mixed each other-dark claw, Wolverine and Batman, Wonder Wommed Women’s Storm, etc. (Or in 1996 for both).)

In 2003 George Pérez and Kurt Bushieiek worlds collided again Jla / Avengers, First, a comic was first approved in 1979. There, instead of both teams (or their combined version), instead of them, they fought to think that the other was scared to protect the other. Three of these crossovers have been repetitive In the past few years, this will help you determine the foundation of this new community.

We will have more Marvel / DC and DC / Marvel The news is developing.

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