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Shockingly Tiny Galaxy Near Andromeda Is Just One-Millionth the Size of the Milky Way

A group of astronomers, the closest galactic neighbor of Milky Way, Andromeda discovered the smallest, narrowing satellite galaxy.

Itsy-bitsy satellite galaxy is called Andromeda XXXV and sits about 3 million light years from the ground. Galaxy’s discovery provides a useful comparative tool for the study of our own galaxom to astronomers and the study of satellite galaxies on the edge of Milky Way. The team’s consequences were published This week in the letters of astrophysics magazine.

“These are fully functional galaxies, but there are milk in milk,” said Eric Bell, in a university in Michigan University and Education, a university release. “It’s like the size of a grain of a grain of a perfectly functional person.”

Andromeda XXXV is very small for only 20,000 times more than our sun, even a satellite galaxy. For comparison, about the mass of the Milky Way 1.5 trillion solar masses, And beef galaxies can be up to 30 trillion solar mass.

Although there is a full-fledged galactic, Andromeda XXXV, Samanyolu’s satellite galaxies, which resembled Andromeda’s gravity is small enough to take place. Researchers observed Andromeda XXXV with Hubble Space Telescope.

“This type of galaxy can only be discovered in a system, milk, in the past.” “Now we were able to look at one around Andromeda, and this is the first time we did outside our system.”

Hubble observations are not only a satellite galaxy in Andromeda, but how such satellites are small enough to raise questions about how the stars are.

“Most of the Milky Way satellites have very ancient star populations. They stopped the formation of stars about 10 billion years ago,” he said. “We see that similar satellites in Andromeda can create up to 6 billion years ago – a few billion years ago.”

The finding is not different from the terms of other galaxies in the formation of the satellite galaxy and the star formation. There is everywhere between To 2 trillion galaxies from 100 billion In the observed universe, but it is difficult to see so small, weak galaxies, so you heard about the Hubble observations of Andromeda XXXV.

There are still many questions about the small galaxy, including the warming of about 13 billion years ago, including the universe. “The whole universe has become a threshold of boiling fat,” Andromeda XXXV can lose all the gas, that XXXV is so small. After that, the Galaxy continued to build stars for several billion years.

More observations can clarify the nature of the patient satellite, and Proxy can lighten the satellite galaxies rotating around their space neighborhood.

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