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Android is adding Auracast support, which allows hearing aids to connect to public audio broadcasts

Google declared On Thursday, Android phones will soon support a new Bluetooth technology that uses a phone to provide direct link to sound broadcasts in the noisy environment in the noisy environment.

Auracast can get direct audio flows as a PA system in a train station or a voice broadcast in a train station with matching auditory devices and earphones. Google notes that the memory of hearing aid can be applied to these programs, ie users can personalize the flow of users for hearing.

In the beginning, the feature comes to Samsung Galaxy phones with a UI 7 with Samsung Galaxy Phones and Google Pixel 9. The feature works with Le Audio Hearing devices, including those such as GN Hearing and Starkey.

Google also said that Pixel 9 can now broadcast through QR codes now, these people who overcome people to move to the parameters.

The latest Android 16 beta also brings a new access to a new access to show the ability to make low vision to facilitate reading. This includes the local network protection (LNP) feature, which Google said.

Android is expected to start a while in June 16.

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