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Meta, Now Fact-Check Free, Is Testing X-Style Community Notes

Earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg said effectively, the work of the meta ‘care about the truth’ and the third party came out of the truth and checkers. Now hand over users over keys. Meta declared This will begin to spread a society notes in the X, a society on the largest social platforms.

Facebook, Instagram and themes will start visible to the community and view the content of the valued fact checks. This test run The feature will start on 18 March and pay attention to record and sort the record to work in KinKsi before publishing something. Meta will start with 200,000 people signing a waiting list for about 200,000 people to join the pool of contributors for society notes and this feature is applied, slowly slow them to slowly with the random selection process. The first languages ​​approved for notes include English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, French and Portuguese.

According to the company, it first uses the same open source algorithm used by the X, taking into account the date of the rating of each user, using the ratings to help determine which records will appear on the platform. The appropriate users must have a meta account in at least six months, in good condition and have a phone number activated by two factor identification.

Meta will actually be confirmed by users who have a “maintenance points” to make a platform to platform, and if the contributor will be agreed with the note, it is useful if they will only say “normal people”. All notes will consist of 500 characters and will be required to include a link that supports the contents of the note.

Thing with community notes: can actually work. One learn Urbana-Champaign, Illinois University, they want to withdraw fake posts in response to the notes of users in X and a Read in Pnas Nexus Last year, the users were adopted by users by users by users to be more reliable by users or the third party’s truth is more reliable than checkers.

The problem with the system of society notes is often becoming a platform for meta arguments, brigadenting and gamifing, which often sees the light of daylight. A study by the Spanish Facts Checking Site ruminate Only 8.3% of the proposed notes in this X are actually published under an article. This is partly why – there are more with a premium model that promotes in ClickBaitit disinformation and Hate in X It is used more than used in spite of the fact that it is any shame.

Maybe Meta will be able to watch the boarding level and reach a safe level when measuring the community records in the company’s platforms placed on the company’s platforms. Or maybe when cutting costs is a way to turn users to free labor. Who can be sure? Maybe if we all vote for it, we will reach the truth.

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