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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Russia was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Finnish court to commit war in Eastern Ukraine in 2014.
Rushen, Voislav Torden, a high-level member of Russia, Helsinki, Helsinki, Helsinki, Helsinki, Helsinki, was found guilty of the fourth charges of Helsinki.
22 of the ambush and firefighters in the Luhansk region of Ukraine have died and wounded 22. Torden denies allegations.
There are the first time in the court of a Finland in connection with the allegations of war in Ukraine and the first time heard.
Earlier, known as Yan Petrovsky, was a member of Rusich, a Russian separatist in the Eastern Donbas region, as a pro-Russian separatist region in Rushen region. Rusich is the subunit of the Wagner group.
Allegedly, in September 5, 2014, as soon as Ukrainians looked like Ukrainian, it was an ambushed as a Ukrainian, before opening a car with a truck and unit.
Twenty-one Ukrainian soldiers were killed and the next five wounded were reported in the indictment.
Helsinki’s court found that Russia was a special responsibility in ambush, and the other group was responsible for the participation.
However, in all other numbers, including all other numbers, including Torden, who killed at least one Ukrainian soldier, and injuring the other and injured the other, and injuring the other and injuring the other, the other was responsible for the responsible position of Russian mercenaries.
In men, a wounded soldier was found wounded by “Rushich Group symbol”.
In Torden, the soldier’s “humiliating” images were distributed and Ruschin was placed on the social media “not to give mercy.”
One panel of three judges unanimously found him guilty of the last four charges, killing a seriously soldier – “compare the murder due to their savagery and cruelty.”
The court ordered that 21 other Ukrainian soldiers were guilty to death, and ordered the family responsible for his death to pay compensation.
According to Finland’s public broadcaster, Torden rejected the allegations raised against him. He intends to protest the conviction, according to the Aid-Sanomat newspaper.
Torden was arrested in July 2023 at the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, the Ukrainian government wishing to hand over it.
This wish was rejected by the Supreme Court of Finland in connection with the failure to be fair in Ukraine in Ukraine, but he could still be tried in Helsinki because he was charged with crimes in international law.
Finland’s public broadcaster, Yle, similar charges say that they are tried locally in countries in countries, including Rwandan and Iraq.