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The Gathering Is Adding Avatar to Its Crossover Collection

A few days ago, we got a peek Magic: Collection the crossover set with The final fantasy array. However, the card game has already announced its next cooperation outside the square Enix’s RPG megafranchise – it will leave cards including Avatar: Last Airport this year later.

This weekend, during the Magiccon CHICAGO event, the coastal wizards sold “new adventures, iconic art and an upcoming set that will show an elementary demonstration as before. Avatar Not strangers for IP crossovers – there are skin skin Fortnite and 2- With the stoneHowever, this is the first to the stage of the card game.

This is the latest news for the series that has reached the age of 20 this week. Announced a new show called Paramount on Thursday Avatar: Seven air, It will focus on a new master of four elements to save the world. In October 2026, the original team avatar has a cartoon aimed at mature members. And there’s also a great video game, but this is a little far away far away from the show or the movie.

If it is not clear Avatar The set will be part of Magic Universes outside the product line. As Years, HASBRO used a banner for Grossovers DishonorableBethesda’s Insightfulness, and more. This The final fantasy The set is shot on June 13, Avatar side November 21And next to the spider man, it is expected to fall at a time, but Hasbro remains a mother on it.

Want more iO9 news? Check out what time the end is waiting for Dishonorable, Star warsand Starry track Releases, what is next DC Universe on Movie and TVand everything you need to know about the future Who.

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