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American Airlines passengers share how they fled the burning aircraft in Denver

“The destruction of the result is terrible and terrible.”

An American Airlines flight, which describes how a witness describes his experience, was forced to make an emergency landing in Colorado.

172 passengers going on the border for Dallas, after touching Denver, after touching the smoke around him, he stopped on the wing of the plane.

Anyone on the ship, including six crew members, alive, alive, and 12 passengers were treated in the hospital for airport officials.

One of these passengers, Michele Woods, CBS news, BBC’s US partner, said everything is normal on the flight.

It was not until watching a loud noise that was loudly from one of the plane’s engines.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) then reported the plane after 2:15 local time (23:15 GMT), after informing the crew’s engine vibrations.

However, when the plane landed, passengers soon realized that they are still away from security.

“Everything was good, but then filled the smoke of smoke,” said MS Woods returning home in a trade show in Colorado.

He sat in the front of the aircraft, he explained how he was in a position where they could leave the plane after touching.

Other passengers, like Now viral images Huddled people standing on the wing of a cigarette show, did not consist of a run.

Ingrid Hibbit, who traveled in 1006 flights with her husband and her daughter, was one of those who were forced to come back to the wing before he could contact his family with his family.

“(You can see) flames from the windows and windows,” Hibbit said, “Hibbit said.

“I was like a vibration, I was not stable,” he said.

It was no longer to add a fever rinks, nor any family of his family, where he sat in the same part of the plane. They can only contact them through text messages.

“I hope that I hoped everything would be good, but we were really sure,” he said, despite the only 10 minutes, “very long 10 minutes,” he said.

“It was a really big feeling to see everyone was good.”

He and his family finally touched on Friday morning on Friday morning at the Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.

Relief, he swept the group after the “tedious” episode that shades the beginning of the group, especially the family holiday.

“If this happens in the air, I do not think we will say this story in general, because who knows who will happen.” “I am grateful for all the survival.”

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