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304 North Cardinal St.
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March 2025 has become unofficial negotiations Star wars underground Month. After a few days Star wars Manufacturer Rick McCallum Mythical, prominent show was discussed, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trekand For all people Writer / Manufacturer Ronald D. Moore said that what was to be one of the show writers.
Visible SackHOFF Show (Bo-Catan is hosting by itself, Kateee sackhoff), Moore spoke to write Lucas think by Lucas Lucas Star wars can be a show. Here’s a clip.
“Galaxy He was filled. Capricod He started around that period. I got a call he wanted to meet with George Lucas [me] “He said Moore,” I met George on a possible series … and the manufacturer Rick McCallum, at that point George wanted to make a live movement at that point Star wars The TV series … A group of writers wanted to do, wanted to collect a group of international writers. So I was one of Americans and had one of the UK and Australia [and] New Zealand and he brought us together on Skywalker Ranch as a long weekend … It would go for this long weekend or something, for a week or something at Skywalker Ranch. Then write the scripts like another six weeks, then accept, talk about notes, talking to another group of scenarios. “
“This continued as a year or two or something,” he said. “We just gathered by collecting, breaking, breaking, and he just wanted to take these scripts. This is what your notes do. I don’t care what your thoughts are.”
This was a great idea on the theory, if McCallum came part of the story, but the show was only banned, Lucas never went around. Then, of course, lucasfilm sold and Star warsIt was Disney and this.
Still, Moore, personally wrote two of the scripts and experimenting, he said he was trying to argue the treasure, especially Star wars With the Creator himself. “At a certain point, fear and now you are in a writer’s room,” said, “Before you break the impression of Lucas.” You just ‘, what do you do? Where am I? ‘Just forget and now in the story conference, which is just one argument. “
Follow the full clip above and thanks Jedi News for the heads.
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