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BBC is a witness of battle for Khartoum

Barbara Plett Usher

BBC News, Khartoum

Ken Mungai / BBC Asma Mubarak Abdel Karim, a dark hacki green abaya, Khartoum, Sudan's district, Haji Yusuf reviews the camera for a dusty street - 202525Ken mugai / bbc

Hungary Mubarak Abdel Karim said that RSF’s treatment of RSF BBC – heard a woman in the neighborhood in the battle

The BBC heard the evidence of the wildlife concerning the withdrawal of fighters in the warriors for the control of the Sudan’s capital.

The city has been held by the city (RSF) since the beginning of the city’s Wild Civil War two years ago – but the army tried most of it and believes that it was on the way to seize the rest.

To restore the capital, a turning point in the military and war will not end the confrontation.

In recent weeks, the troops mainly cleanse the city’s RSF fighters from the south by cleaning the city and east of the south and east of South Sudan and cleaned the city from the south.

The wide areas of the re-issued area were completely destroyed.

By traveling with the army, we drove the former block after the blocked and ransaked buildings block – some blackened with fire, many sticks with bullet holes.

Ken Mungai / BBC, a cut carcass of a building with balconies in Haji Yusuf district of Khartoum, Sudan. White cars can be seen in front of the wreckage - 2025Ken mugai / bbc

Recent battles have left the blocks of apartments destroyed in Haji Yusuf region of Khartoum

He was full of pavement, vandalized vehicles, thrown furniture, plundered objects and other debris.

However, terrorism is fresh in places that look inviolably.

Haji Yusuf in the eastern of the Nile River of Khartoum, the residents opened civilians to RSF fighters who immediately fleeing chaos and intensity.

“It was a shock, came suddenly,” he said, Solomon.

Two of his sons, 18-year-old muzamil and a 21-year-old palpal, sat next to a friend. RSF soldiers commanded them inside, and then they withdrew to the door, MS Suleyman says.

The muzamil ran with a bullet wound in his leg, but “our friend died immediately.”

“The people wanted to enter home and tried to close, push and push the door. They caught a phone on the ground, and gone and did not make first aid, but we could not save him.”

Ken Mungai / BBC Muzami, the 18-year-old son of Solomon's 18-year-old son, is like a camera lens. She is wearing a white sweaty shirt and sits on the edge of the orange plastering building on a street in Hajif district of Khartham's capital - March 202Ken mugai / bbc

Muzami, the 18-year-old son of the rest, Suleyman, along the edge of his house and sat with his brother and friend

The palatmilla died the next morning, because the hospital blood bank was cut with a long power outage and could not get the transfusion.

Ms. Suleyman said that RSF recognizes the soldiers and dealing with them before he tried and increased.

One of them said to him, “We came to death, we are human.”

He said, “If you come to death, this is not a place of death.”

The more death of Ms. Solomon in this war.

So many people died, says, “I’m used to these traumas.”

Several blocs and a group of women and a group of women and Sudanese forces were arrested in the war because Abdel Karim Abdel Abdel Karim Abdel Karim.

RSF soldiers say they face the soldiers who accused them of siding them with a military market because he was in a market in a market.

“They are terrified around us, our legs,” he said, “he said, then explains how a woman suffered a vacant house and harass him.

He caught the woman of the RSF fighter at a gunpoint and said to him, “Come with us.”

MS Karim says he knocked him with a gun.

“Then we heard the shooting and the shooting of the person: ‘Take it! Do it! Do it! Do it!’ Then the battles around our surroundings were strengthened and more observed – this was a bullet in the area, so we were hidden inside the house. “

Ken Mungai / BBC, Sudanese Military on a street north of North Khartoum - 2025Ken mugai / bbc

Sudan’s military serviceman continues to make significant benefits in Khartoum – For the first time since the conflict began

The best thing about the situation is wiped when asked what is the one that it is now.

“Security,” says, “The best is security. They have given us very tortured.”

RSF spokesman rejected the reports that the group has been monitoring this area for two years, and “Mass killings” are in the areas where the army of the army.

The army and allied militia are accused of conducting a widespread savagery after returning the Central Gezira province.

The UN and the United States said that both sides had committed war crimes, but they read RSF to criticize the charges of massape and genocide.

This is not just the RSF foot soldiers in action.

The highest officials left their homes in their nearby homes near Cartoon.

In April 2023, RSF Elite, in April 2023, put each other to the creation of each other to manage each other and ruled each other.

Cartoon is now eeril and thoroughly looting.

Even Deputy Commander of the RSF Abdel Rahim did not even receive the brother of the leader of Dagalo and the group.

The big empty pool in the yard is scattered with garbage.

Sofas overturned in large rooms, windows were broken, gold jewelry boxes naked, something higher than the waist was removed from the waist.

The army says the majority of RSF high administration is now outside the city and are still small commands and low-ranking soldiers.

Ken Mungai / BBC Abdel Rahim is a room around the house of Hamdan Dagalo, a room around Karfuri Khartoum - shows a blank short claim on a naked mat with clothes and pans and other items.Ken mugai / bbc

Most RSF leaders left the second part of the second part of the second team, including the suburbs of the rising of Cartoon, and the second team of the group

Military, stray warriors used drones using drones to leave the remaining warriors to fight the street.

The specified examples are written in Arabic and French, and it is probably directed to foreign warriors coming from the neighboring Chad.

“Sleep your weapon, change your civilian clothes and leave the area to save your life.”

In the north of Khartoum, RSF, which is close to Nile, was pushed a few months ago, but calm down the group in the group positions in the group positions in the group’s positions.

Here are a lot of people who finally felt safe to sleep at night, but they still say they have a wide sense of damage.

Zeinab Osman Al-Haji showed me the wreckage of his house, he said that RSF fighters will come to the night and leave the door unless it was opened.

“They took backpacks, even nutritional supplies, sugar and unum and my oil, soap, soap, soap, before burning the house.

“It was not a war,” he said, pointed to the wind clump of the wind library once stood, in the bedroom collapsed in the scattered bedroom.

“It was chaos: There was also theft and theft and robbery, it’s also.”

A few streets we met Huseyn Abbas.

At about 70 years old, walking with a cane and dragging a street down a street down a street down and dragging towards intestinal buildings.

Seven days after the start of the war, he says he fell three times after leaving the capital.

“I cried here as soon as I’m out,” he says tears begin to roll their cheeks. “For two years, I have not seen this place for two years. We suffered a lot, we suffered.”

Survivors like Mr. Abbas are slowly returning to save their homes and rescue.

The army now has a top hand in this terrible war, but there are still suffering for the people of the water.

Map of Sudan controls the army, RSF and other groups

More about the war in Sudan:

Getty Images / BBC Mobile Phone and Graphic BBC News A Woman looking at AfricaGetty Images / BBC

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