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Say Goodbye to the Google Assistant—Gemini Is Moving In

Google has announced that it is no longer a google assistant for this world. The company plans to cross most Android devices on the contrary. This includes your phone, your headphones and even connecting phones, tablets, fixtures Auxiliary in the car. The only devices will be limited to 2GB ram or not in a suitable version of Android.

This is the case First official declaration Google goes Google’s speech continues, but this is not like we did not expect. Gemini is already a standard experience on most basic Android devices, including Google, Samsung, Motorola, OnePlus and Oberseas. Google has also already done the passage of millions of people, although I have so many people to protest so many people. For example, I did not want to do the change first. If I continue to write about smartphones, I just got to know that I know I paid.

Me sad This is about Google’s Gemini’s transition from Google to the EU It has been a mess. Google is watching my wise house and other Google LED devices watching myself teaching myself. I think Precious Dongle Deal with difficulty in my old car. But I think too Lenovo Smart Clock I use to wake up every morning and close the lights every night. I contacted manufacturers of these devices to see Google and recommend. For people who understand that people’s Google’s equipment will be a paper lane, I suspect a ton of frustration on the Internet. Even whose is the paper to fall?

Twins are a better digital assistant in many ways. It is more talking and you can use thoughts and what to talk about. Recently, I shared with a colleague with my colleague, I shared a 15-minute video with my colleague and I shared with something that was back and forth. Gemini did not show the best results in the end – this forced me to cry from a little frustration. However, I realized this experience that Google Assistant and even the help of Apple’s Siri will take the next evolution. Digital assistants were always supposed to be more conversational, personal and interactive. Now that twins achieved it, Google is ready to roll it.

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