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Trade giant Jane Street tries to double the London office traces

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Jane Street wants to double in the London Office Space because the trading company waves a period of explosive growth that built him as an opponent in the world’s largest banks.

According to people familiar with the issue, the city of the city of the city of London is negotiating in meetings with household owners with 400,000-500,000 square feet.

The New York-based group currently occupies 235,000 square feet in Devonshire Square near Liverpool Street. Since the moving five years ago, he has once increased its place, and in 2022, the entire building is over 70 percent to get residents.

At the beginning of this year Jane Street He agreed to expand the New York office about 1mn sq.

500,000 sq ft London office will be close to the size of the new global headquarters of the HSBC, which is around the HSBC’s 550,000 square meters – it is currently being very small for the bank.

Jane Street, Ken Griffin’s Citadel securities and other industrial giants such as Jeff Yass’s Susquehanna are one of the world’s best-known trading firms. The company’s markets are assets including exchange trading funds, capital and bonds; In every trade, often sell and sell securities for small earnings.

The company was relatively unknown for most of the 2010, but his revenues and gains exploded as market volatility during the Covid-19 pandemia and demand for trade services.

In the first half of last year, the largest wall street banks expanded to more than 2,600 employees, including net trade revenues, London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Citadel and his sister firm Citadel and his sister firm, a market manufacturer and direct opponent in the opponent, and in accordance with the expansion of Citadel’s third of London, two-thirds of London agreed to rent at least 250,000 square meters.

Citadel has options to expand its office up to 130,000 square square meters, which agents expect to train.

Jane Street considered a movement to the Dovetail building, which is a new 23-storey tower, which is about 465,000 square meters of an office area, which is about 465,000 square meters.

The trade company also said that the former Deutsche bank headquarters in the London wall and other options in the city, no decision is made.

Covid-19 and new developments in new developments, which are recently, are delivered to relatively small buildings suitable for the biggest financial institutions for recent financial institutions.

Jane Street did not respond to a request for comment.

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