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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
For decades, aspirin is known as a cheese. The new study reveals how can you help cancer.
Previous research points a link between aspirin use and improved cancer survival, a learn It was published last week in nature, explains why. However, experts carry aspirin as a treatment and risk of increasing potential for domestic bleeding.
So how can the aspirin stay from spreading cancer? What does this mean for this future treatment?
Recent studies, a widely used painkiller, revealed that it can help prevent the spread of cancer, It is not clear whether it will work the same for each type of disease.
Researchers were investigating this link for decades. This first clinical researchPublished in 1988, the use of regular aspirin, which significantly reduced the risk of colorectal cancer, although the main reason is unknown.
Now a new research from Cambridge University gives more attention. Aspirin found the mechanism that could help prevent the spread of cancer, prevent a process known as metastasis.
Is responsible for the majority of metastasis Deaths associated with cancerTry to get cancer cells away from the original tumor and take another place on the edge of the body.
This can increase the body’s natural struggle capacity to protect the aspirin, cancer cells more organized by the aspirin, cancer cells.
The key to Aspirin’s cancer is located in a complex network of cells and proteins protecting the body’s immune system, infections, diseases and harmful germs.
When cancer cells are separated from a tumor, the immune system – special types of white blood cells known as T-cells – normally destroy them and destroy them. However, platelets – small cell parts in the blood that helped in clotting – can interfere in this process.
Cancer takes advantage of platelet by triggering an injury to an injury. While platelets discover free floating cancer cells, they cover them, like they will cover a wound to stop bleeding.
This creates a protective shield, makes it difficult for the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. In addition, platelets leave the signals that prevent the signals of the T-cells, the process of doing their work.
Aspirin violates the production of cancer by reducing the production of a molecule used to suppress the immune activity of brokers. Platelets have weakened, T-cells restore the ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells in the face of the chances of creating new tumors.
Research shows that the swells can be used after treatment after the transaction.
The reason for this is that some cancer cells are already tumor and in other parts of the body, a process known as agriculture, he said in new areas and will be in tumors.
However, experts are careful using immediate treatment as a cancer treatment without immediate research. The pains in pain, as the potential of serious side effects such as inner bleeding, because the platelets will weaken the ability to help weaken the blood clot.
The aspirin blocks a molecule that produces platelets to bring together. This makes blood thin and increases the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. This can cause the aspirin aspirin aspirin, and in the brain, in the brain, when a small blood vessel is exploded, while a small blood vessel is exploded, while the small blood vessel is exploded.
In addition, the work is carried out in mice, but also must be confirmed to recommend the effects of cancer, for treatment.
“Our research gives a molecular explanation for observations from clinical research, but need a properly clinical assessment, but professor of pathology of pathology of Cambridge pathology.
A few clinical trials such as aspirin trial in Ireland and India continue to determine Which patients Most likely, it is not working for accepting aspirin and specific cancer types.
Roychoudhuri added that the aspirin’s cancer treatment does not expect “an immediate tracked translation”.
Linch syndrome is recommended as a preventive measure in countries such as some patients with cancer (a situation that increases certain cancers), Australia and England.
Since the 1980s, aspirin is also appointed to help Prevent heart attacks And in people with high risk of heart disease, the blood flow of platelets, which can prevent blood flow to the heart or brain, which can prevent blood flow to the heart or brain. This helps the impact prevention of clotting lower the risk Heart attacks to those who are historical of cardiovascular disease.
Not necessarily. Aspirin can help slow or prevent cancer spread, and do not completely eliminate tumors.
However, scientists are trying to monitor trophocytes to help increase the risk of biomarkers – and trophocity activities in blood to risk the risk of cancer.
“This would allow them to treat the aspirin with aspirin while minimizing unnecessary exposure to those who do not demand it.”
Experts say the results can also contribute to the development of drugs that prevent cancer.
“Our discoveries are open opportunities to develop more target treatment, which can provide benefits without side effects of aspirin,” Roychouduri.
Other platform medications such as ClopidGrel will be required to say that these studies will be required to be required by three more years to another three years will be required to say other studies will be required to conduct an investigation
However, the research is optimistic to the place where the research occurs. “We are on the verge of an important progress in the cancer survey. These new knowledge can lead to innovative treatment and potentially can save countless life.”
Finding a cure for cancer remains one of the greatest difficulties in medicine.
Each is difficult to develop a universal treatment, because there are many different types of cancer with their own characteristics and ways of spread.
In addition, tumor development is affected by a combination of genetic tendency and environmental factors. Work recommend This treatment should be individualized to be really effective.
Many cancers are also developing Ways to hide In depositing the immune system or immunity, avoid attacking immunotherapy.