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While awakening tragedies, Bofa duties, execs along with small banker workload

Bank of AmericaVerifies checking for the treatment of small bankers Top Controls the workloads of young managers. The bank is now with large bankers – those who watch the volume and volume of employees and those who follow the volume of the audience and the volume of the industry, which are famous for more hours, work well in the night to complete the transactions.

Bank of America’s efforts are coming after a number of tragedies with young people who shaken the investment bank sector. In January, Carter Anthony McIntosh, Jefferies’s 28-year-old investment bank, a suspicious drug passed overdose. Mcintoch worked up to 100 hours a week New York Post declare. Leo Lukenas, Bofa Junior Banker, Died in May from the blood clot. Lukenas worked a week ago in 100 hours before passing. In 2014, the young banker set up a policy to restrict the clocks, Junior Execs was often pressured to lie about WSJ’s workloads declare.

To implement the control program, Bofa has been a long time to call a resource officer model for a long time. As part of this model, BOFA used medium-ranking routes, one-year rotations, to separate work to small investment bankers Wall Street Journal.

Bofa, because he tried to build the next generation of the sample, he chose to shake the model, a man familiar with the situation. The Investment Bank will no longer control the large bankers and the organization of young banker, working in constant, full-time and cross-work, Cross.

Bank of America is choosing volunteers or to determine the role of excess transactions. Bofa is very strong leadership, which is a very strong leadership, and looking for managers who are strong about the evolution of small bankers.

“We want this role to learn the best practices of all our small bankers, learn from their teammates and bringing career growth and development, and after that, according to Bofa’s statement.

Bofa securities, which are the bank of the American Investment Bank, runs thousands of bankers. It is not clear how many young bankers are. Young executors have been analytical and two to three years before moving to the vice president, including both such analytical as an analyst. At this point, they usually work on a sector team like consumer or technology or industrial.

Bofa also cut the role of 150 young Investment Banks and his person. Most of the reduced people were found to be “new roles” outside investment banking as a financial analysis or strategic planning. “He was given the opportunity to move them to another place.

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