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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The United States President Donald Trump has threatened to prosecute Iran with the increase in Houthi rebels against the government in Tehran.
The Republican leader warned about the realities of the Social Media Platform, and signed his task on Monday.
“Nobody shall be fooled! Hundreds of attacks by Houthi, hated by the Yemeni people and in Yemen, Iran,” In Yemen write.
““Houthis’ will be met with great force to take any attack or revenge and do not guarantee this power to stop there. “
Houthis has led a number of attacks on Israel’s war in Gaza and other commercial ships in the Red Sea in connection with the war of humanitarian supplies in the Palestinian territory.
Experts admit that Iran’s informal part of Iran helps to arm Houthis “Reading the resistance“It is supported by Iran.
While Trump has previously ended the support of Iran for Houthis, the statements made on Monday signaling an important escalation signal – Potential military action against Iran.
“Every shot fired by Houthis will be responsible for Iran’s weapons and management, as fired from Iran’s weapons and management, and these results will be bad!” Trump wrote in position.
Comments are diplomatically elegant for Trump and colleagues in Iran.
Trump pushes to Denuclearise to Iran – in 2018, in the first period of the White House, the JCPOA’s joint action plan (JCPOA), a contract that restricts nuclear ambitions after sanctions.
At the beginning of this month, Trump sent a letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which could respond to “military” for its nuclear deal nuclear transaction.
However, Khamenei, Trump’ın talks, returned his attempts to dismiss him “violence“And pointing out that Trump has eliminated the previous agreement.
Iran consistently said that the nuclear program is for civilian purposes and followed the nuclear weapons.
At the same time, Trump grew up US attacks In Houthis, after the armed group was warned last week, Israel would want to ban the nearby waterways.
“Any Israeli ship trying to break this ban will be subject to a military target in the field of operation,” Houthis said.
The rebels reported that the ban on the ban on the banner that prevents humanitarian supplies from entering the territory of war in a war in March 2, was put in Gaza.
Israel has long been ally in the United States, and Trump has responded to Houthis’s threats on Saturday.
“Today, the United States’s servicemen instructed to launch a solvent and strong military operation against Houthi terrorists in Yemen,” Trump, weekend Ushering during the 24-hour bombing in Yemen.
Until Saturday, he hit the United States, the seven provinces of Yemen and killed 53 air holidays. Sanaa, who was run by Houthis, was between the capital, the areas affected.
In the announcement of weekend attacks, Trump also warned about support for Houthis in Iran.
“Houthi’s support for Houthi terrorists should end immediately! The American people have received one of the largest mandates or world-scale strips in the presidential history,” he said, “he said write.
“If you do, please reserve, because America will be fully accountable and we will not be pleasant to this!”
Houthis attacked about 100 ships in the region since November 2023, not the first president to attack two sinks and Trump Houthi.
Trump’s predecessor, Democratic President Joe Binden, also ordered More than one attacks In the areas of Houthi in Yemen.
However, Biden and his leadership attacks described Houthis to violate their military capabilities and were undoubtedly rejected because they want to increase violence. “We do not want to see a regional war,” Pentagon spokesman Sabrina Singh He said in 2024.
Trump, however, fired as “pathetic weak” efforts against Biden’s Houthhis. O and Biden, Trump’ın lost opponents in the 2020 presidential election.
Meanwhile Houthis promised to meet Trump’s attacks. On Sunday, their leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, “We will face escalation with escalation,” he said.
Already claimed that the group announces one retalory vacation Against the US warship.
On Monday, the US Department of Defense Houthis will not be evident.
“If you hit the American troops, the results will be,” said Spousheron Sean Parnell, Trump said he stood peacefully. “We will use excessive strength until our goal is.”
However, Parnell clarified the fact that Trump did not want a war despite the new US threats. “This is not an infinite insult. This is not related to the change in the Middle East. This is the American interests first put.”
Colin Clarke – Studies Director for Soufan Group, the Consultant Firm – the Trump’s increasingly heated rhetoric seems to be contrary to a campaign-trail rhetoric.
While working for a second while in 2024, Trump promised to bring peace to the Middle East and remove the United States from foreign wars.
“Look, Trump spoke endless about withdrawing from the Middle East. He does not want to interfere in foreign wars,” he said. “Thus, he is really interested in increasing these kinetic strikes as a direct signal to the leadership in Tehran.”
Clarke added that the strikes in Houthis can be a method for Trump to force Iran to nuclear talks.
“Trump hopes to draw attention to Ayatolle, and he hopes for these strikes and potentially to use these strikes and potentially to push Iranians closer to the table.”