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Lloyds Customer apologies for sending other retail investors

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Lloyds Banking Group apologized after sending information about hundreds of information about other customers’ investments in other customers.

Retail Investment Business Customer, Lloyds Bank direct investment in December a package sent to the home address via the first-class post, sent by other customers’ names, addresses and portfolio movements.

The package also gave information about its portfolio. Most of the documents were followed by the movements of investments over time and entered a portfolio of more than £ 5 million.

The client, who apologized to Lloyds, received the package, came after complaining about the violation of the information.

In one email to the customer, a representative of the Leeds Branch of Leeds, said the incident took place due to the “human error.”

“Before sending our quarterly statements, we are working in an internal statement to ensure accuracy. This process involves randomly selected and organized by the Bank of Lloyds Bank and reviewing them for compulsory investment customers.

“Unfortunately, when buying a package in our package, the staff opened it and found your ending statement.

The delegation also said that the violation of the UK’s Rules of Data Protection was “removed to explore this event.” Answering the reporting limit, the information commissioner, the information commissioner, the British Privacy Guard, inappropriate delay and violation should be discovered in 72 hours.

The customer who receives the package also informed the violation of the information. Lloyds did not report to be violated.

In the same email, Lloyds suggested paying £ 300 for “distress and concern”, which said the complaint will be “tight and anxiety”.

Lloyds, financial time explained: “We are taking our responsibilities seriously and apologize for the fact that a client has received other customers’ statements at the post due to human mistakes.

“This was changed in December last year, this was changed to ensure that this happened again.”

A man familiar with the approach of Lloyds said that the information of the affected customers’ information is broken. Lloyds did not confirm that he contacted the Bank to connect with the violation of FT.

Explore ICO complaints, has the power to investigate the fines of companies and fines.

In 2013, he saw that Lloyds sent a pound of £ 75,000 to the Scottish Bank of Scotland, sending them a fax to the wrong buyers.

Unlike the information containing information about features, including information on features, including competition, ethnic origin, genetics, religion and sexual orientation, the financial information is not automatically classified as sensitive or “custom category” information.

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