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We witness the alphabet into the old IBM?

Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: Googl) It is often considered a reliable blue chip technology exchange. The world’s most commonly used search engine is the owner of Google; Android, the largest mobile operating system; Chrome that prefers the web browser market; And YouTube is the highest stream video platform, which is more than 2.7 billion active users. In addition, leading cloud-based productivity and infrastructure services in the market are also widespread.

In the last ten years, the alphabet fund, as digital advertising and cloud work expanded, the alphabet fund rated about 480%. From 2014 since 2024, its revenues increased by 18% to 18%, as it increased in 23% CAB.

Google employee is biking on Googleplex.
Picture source: Google.

However, today, the main advertising business of the alphabet, which created 76% of its income in 2024, faces three existential problems. First, generative artificial (EU) Openai’s platforms like ChatGpt varying the search for people. Second, short video platforms and short video platforms like Bymetelance Tiktok and Meta Platforms‘Daturers removes advertisers and followers from Youtube’s longer formatted videos. Finally, the US antitrust regulators chrome or press the Alphabet to sell Android.

Some investors may think if the alphabet is convicted to be the next IbmIn the last four decades, PC and enterprise software markets lost their competitors to Nyimbler. But a fair comparison or the real differences between alphabet and IBM are a bear hyperbound?

IBM dominated the individual billing market in the 1990s and early 1990s, but it did not really have each other in any of the components on his computer. As a result, other PC manufacturers produced “IBM PC Clones” with the same device. IBM has tried to differentiate its operating system, OS / 2 from these clones, but as this effort Microsoft Check out the dominant OS for Windows, IBM PC clones.

These failures forced IBM to return the PC market and eventually sold the ThinnPad PC Lenovo In 2005, he sold his server business to Lenovo in 2014. This retreat shows that a company’s nuclear growth engine is dry and its Nimbler does not keep up with rivals.

In the late 2000s and early 2010, IBM fought to expand the aged enterprise program and IT services departments cloud-based Rivals like Microsoft and Amazonand Google. However, instead of aggressively investing in new cloud services and transforming the on-fax programs to cloud-based ones, IBM focused on reducing the expenses, and increase more shares to increase its EPS.

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