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Massachusetts Department of Transport said that the supply of medical supplies through Drone

Residents of Massachusetts will soon be able to deliver medical supplies and health products to their homes by drones.

This Massachusetts department Transport (MassDot) Aeronautics section, Tuesday, drones were successfully assessed for the use of medical supplies for various operating needs such as healthy supply and emergency management.

The demonstration, including three companies, including Draganfly, took place in August 2024 and December.

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A separate pilot is preparing to deliver the Covenian-19 Self collection test kit after order. (Mario Tama / Getty Images / Getty Images)

The flight simles were assessed to see that companies can successfully deliver the supplies with the health support based on home.

“This Medical Delivery Show “Many of the drones are emphasized for many operating needs,” said Massdot Secretary and CEO Monica Medicals-Butt. We continue to assess the use of drones for other purposes in the future. “

According to MassDot, at least one mile rose to at least one mile for at least one mile, rose to at least one mile.

Dan O’Toole AI, the Director General of Indiana, was able to submit medical supplies to the location of the Case Studies and using drones in Lynn.

Drug drugs

The pharmacy offers a look through a glass panel to a fully automatic medication store. ((Photo Andreas Arnold / Image Alliance) / through Getty Images)

“Every day, every day is a lot of different deals. Thus, this is something to coordinate everything, this is what the EU structures are prepared in the study. For each 1% of supplies, this is 3,000 trucks here in the United States”

Walmart expands 1.8 m Household Drone delivery

Draganfly said they were grateful to attend Drone Medical Supply The pilot and the possibilities of this are not a misfortune to provide solutions to the reputation and strength to global organizations, to save time, money and life.

“Our Drone technology has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of medical supplies for home-based medical and urgent answers,” said Cameron Chell, President and Draganfly General Director Cameron Chell. “Massdot aeronauts emphasizes our commitment to develop our social security and health through our reliability and innovative drone solutions.”

A Drone Walmart's Farmdale leaves from the Arkansas store

By 8:00 pm from 8:00 to evening, Tylenol, Tylenol, diapers and hot dog breads will be able to order for delivery in 30 minutes, in 30 minutes. Walmart Custo for Delivery Fee for $ 3.99 (Walmart)

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Drone Delivery Amazon, DHL and FedEx, not a new concept, but used technology for package supply in recent years.

Amazon was reportedly delivered to five pounds, Arizona, Texas, Texas, Texas and Phoenix by Drone.

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