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Sadiq Khan, residents’ decision of Oxford Street was not ‘should not dictate’

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Sadiq Khan said local residents should not “dictate” plans to “dictate” for Oxford Avenue with the support of London’s main shopping street or with the support of the local and Westminster Council.

The Mayor of London has long been a long time to cancel the vehicles from Central Artory – the Council has gave a new powers to manage the project through the UK Labor government, municipal header development corporation.

“History tells us what he says that there are residents on both sides of Oxford Street, which lives in the apartment wards, no, no Khan explained their financial time.

“My opinion is that this is a strategic national streets, this is a strategic national streets, and it should not be a lot of residents on both sides and can be and may not be.”

According to him, the projects of investors and developers will undergo a comprehensive approval system of the UK and will not be canceled by the local opposition.

As a member of the planning committee, Khan, a 12-year member of the local parliament, has worked hard to support the planning staff and the administration of the Assembly, only 40 people have a member of the applications and individual parliament.

Preferred to use their new powers Oxford street project without the support of the Council if necessary.

“We hope to work with the board.

Last week, the British government supported the appointment of more planning applications last week by professional planning workers, and the reforms of the less work on the committees of local politicians.

Westminster Council expressed practical topics for public transport and entrance for pedestrian, pedestrian Oxford Avenue, traffic, public transport and disabled. Most of the avenues were closed via the vehicle other than bus and taxis for most of the week.

The Mayor has launched a public consultation on the new corporation and the “principle of pedestrianity” last month. The leader of the Vestminster Council Man Hug, “said London Mary has made it difficult to improve” to meet the needs of London and enterprises. ”

Khan said that the changes were needed to compete with global shopping directions for Oxford Street and to help Retailers Fight from the problem from e-commerce and shopping centers.

“We have a choice. Online and shopping centers We can only remove all trade from Oxford Street to Oxford Street, all those who are American candy shops and weak quality stores or we can think of how we will bring it back to America.”

The Mayor spoke last week at a conference of a major property document in Cannes, which was invested in the investment in London for the first time in 9 years invested in foreign financiers.

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