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Researchers name several countries as potential Paragon spyware customers

The governments of Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Israel and Singapore are probably a new technical report of well-known digital security laboratory, Israeli Spyware Maker’s customers.

On Wednesday, a civilian laboratory, a group of scientists and security researchers, spy software industries investigating the industry at the University of Toronto. published a report The beginning of Israel’s established control, six governments set the “paragraph placements.”

At the end of January, Whatsapp warned around 90 users He targeted the company with a paragon spy program. A scandal In Italy, here somewhat by target live.

The paragon tried to distinguish between competitors for a long time NSO Group – Whose spy program have head abuse in a few Countries – By claiming that a more responsible spyware seller. In 2021, a large paragon executor not disclosed in the name Forbes explained These authoritarian or non-democratic modes would never be his clients.

In January, the claims of being a lava in response to the scandal given by WhatsApp notifications and maybe a responsible spyware seller, Paragon Executive Chairman John Flaming He said to TechCrunch The company is licensed by the “technology” technology group of global democracies – in principle, the United States and its allies. “

Israeli news reported in late 2024 US Venture Capital AE Industry Partners have acquired Paragon in advance of a $ 500 million dollar.

An image that describes the flow of the spy program made of a paragon called graphite. Steps include an aggressor that adds a person to a person by adding a person to the WHATAPP group, then automatically shines the PDF by exploiting the sensitivity of the victim.
Example of attack flow for graphite spy program.Photo credits:Civil laboratory

On Wednesday, the report said that the server infrastructure used by Paragon in the Seller Codenamed graphite can use the Server infrastructure for a spy program based on “a clue from an occupier.”

After developing this end and developed several fingerprints that are able to identify related paragon servers and digital certificates, citizen laboratory researchers found several IP addresses in local telecom companies. The citizen laboratory believes that the servers owned by paragon customers, partially visible to the names of the countries based on the initials of the servers.

According to a civilian laboratory, one of the fingerprints prepared by researchers, brought a digital certificate that appears to be an important operating error by Spyware Maker.

“Evidence of strong conditions support the connection between the paragon and infrastructure,” the citizen laboratory wrote in the report.

“The infrastructure we find is associated with web pages related to webpages, as well as” paragon-based paragon), as well as a paragon-based TLS certificate “TLS”, “Paragonun”.

The civilian laboratory said that researchers identified several other codes showing another potential government customers of the paragon. Given that the suspected Civil Laboratory, the Civil Laboratory, Canadian Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is specifically connected to the OP

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Do you have more information about Paragon and this spy software campaign? You can contact securely signal with a unemployed device, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai +1 917 257 1382 or Telegram and Keybase @lorenzofB or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.

TechCrunch reached the press imnamental for the following governments: Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Israel and Singapore. Techcrunch also contacted the Ontario State Police. None of the delegates responded to our wishes for comments.

When it reaches TechCrunch, the paragon’s fleming, the civil laboratory has reached the company and said, “Some of them are very limited, some seem inaccurate.”

Fleming added: “Given the limited nature of the information provided, we cannot offer a comment at this time.” TechCrunch did not answer when he asked the civil laboratory report, and the countries appointed by the civil laboratory did not answer questions about the situation with Paragon customers or Italian customers.

The civil laboratory said that all people who inform the organization that reached the organization to analyze their phones, noting the Android phone. It allowed researchers to determine the “trial artifakti”, which was called the Pardon’s spy program called Bigpretzel.

Meta Press Secretary Zadeh AldaSawah, in a statement, said that the company can confirm that we believe that the company’s citizen laboratory is associated with Bigpretzel’s paragon.

“We found out how the commercial spy program can be armed and how these companies need to be responsible for the target of journalists and civil society.”

Given that Android phones have always not protected certain device records, the civil laboratory, even if there is no evidence of paragon’s spy program on people’s phones, said that more people targeted by the graphite spy program. It is not clear if they have targeted previous cases for people identified as victim.

Citizen laboratory, the Paragon’s graphite spy program has targeted specific applications on the phone and without the need for any interaction on the phone, he said – more extensive operating systems and equipment information than compromise. In the case of the beppe cums, One of the victims in ItalyProve that two other apps are infected with two other apps, without calling a NGO, civilian laboratory, spyware, applications for migrants.

Unlike the device’s operating system, the civil laboratory can make it difficult to find a hack evidence of court researchers, court researchers, but can give more visibility for spy programs for applicants.

“Paragon’s spy program takes place more than rivals [NSO Group’s] Pegasus, but at the end of the day, there is no “perfect” spy software attack, “Bill Marczak, a large researcher in the civil laboratory, told Techcrunch.”

Maybe because we use the tips, both in the most difficult cases, even in the most difficult cases, with the exchange of cooperation and information. ”

David Yambio, who worked closely with a cycling and others in NGOs, said he analyzed the iPhone. Yambio received a notification about Apple’s phone targeted with a mercenary spy program, but the researchers could not find the proof of Paragon’s spy program.

Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

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