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Scientists Announce Possible Breakthrough in Delaying Alzheimer’s

In the study of Alzheimer’s disease, we can be in the sediment of a pivotal moment. This week, in clinical testing information, scientists presented early evidence that at a young age, delays symptoms in people engaged in recommendations for the development of Alzheimer.

Researchers in the Washington University Faculty, experiments, an anti-amyloid drug, a drug called an anti-amyloid drug, aims to try to help people with a form of alzheimer. In the lower part of the longest period of time, the drug appeared to reduce the risk of developing symptoms at 50%, as expected, as expected. Findings require a follow-up, but outside the experts are cautiously optimistic because it wants to say for the future of Alzheimer’s treatment.

“The results clarify that treatment is good [Alzheimer’s] In pathological stages, the beginning of pathological diseases in pathology can be effective in the beginning of pathological diseases, “Thomas M. Wisniewski said that the center of Neurology Neurology, which is not related to research, Gizmodo.

Channelerumab It is one of many similar drugs developed by scientists for Alzheimer. A lab antibody targeting Beta Amyloid, one of the two proteins is an intimidated laboratory antibody that is thought to play a critical role in causing the Alzheimer’s (other). In humans of the Alzheimer’s wrong version of Amyloid Beta, the Battle of Hardy, which is finally known as a plaque, found in the brain that occurred. Scientists thought that these boards were caused by drugs that are generated and the formation of these boards, or at least slow down, or at least slow down.

Unfortunately, this was not a smooth walk for the hypothesis. Many anti-amennial anti-amyloid drugs showed a promise to promise only for people who are just trying to experience the alzheimer’s symptoms. This list includes Gantenerumab; In late 2022, pharmaceutical company Roche Close the development After a pair of phase tests, trials failed after the medicine.

However, the more recent anti-amyloid medications, Alzheimer’s collapse, but the extent of food and drug management, but had a noticeable effect. Some researchers hoped to be more effective before the appearance of Alzheimer’s symptoms of the treatment of humiliation, including washing medicine, anti-amyloid treatment.

Starting in 2012, researchers and others have been tested by amyloid agents in people who have a genetic alzheimer, but a genetic situation that warrants the development of dementia between 30 and 50 years. Most of these trials were probably not successful to be with Ganteneruma.

When the original Gantenerumab survey ended in 2020, researchers identified that people have reduced the level of amyloid. However, it was still very much to know that people can postpone the symptoms, because most of the work start was expected to be sick in another 10-15 years. The researchers later decided to provide an extension of an extension to the patients of Gantenerumab (including placebo or other drugs).

These are the latest results, people published in Lancet neurology on Wednesday.

“Everyone in this work was designed to develop Alzheimer’s disease and there are still no people,” said Washu medicine. statement from the university. “We still do not yet have symptoms of symptoms for a few years or perhaps decades.”

It has important news.

The findings for one only point to the potential preventive allowance, Wisniewski notes. Although the drug has reduced the risk of cognitive landing in the general group of landless people, this decrease was not statistically significant (maybe the lower patient numbers of the study, 73, Wisniewski). In the lower part of the most long-term acimptomatic patients treated, the drug reduced the expected chances of expected decline by 50%. However, this subsection includes only 22 patients, a smaller example size.

The court ended before the expected of many patients due to Roche’s abandonment of the drug, and some people were thrown for other reasons. The drug generally turned out to be safe and tolerant, a concerned abnormality or brain bleeding markers related to a well-groomed amyloid, arias or arias. Arias is a well-known side effect of these drugs, although most episodes are ignored by patients. Two patients encountered Severe Arias during their recovery and then restored researchers. During the study, life-threatening events or deaths were reported.

In general, education is not a strong proof that anti-amyloid drugs can work so far to the Alzheimer. However, since this form is essentially inevitable, these results are the first to offer this to be treated. Lecanemab for the classic version of the neurode standard disorder seems to be a real thing here with previous approvals of Donanemab.

“The excess amyloid antibodies (AAAS), SPORADIC Alzheimerin, Sam Grady, Sam Grady, SAM Grady, Gizemy, Gizemi (GantenerAB), is a different AAA (GantenerAB) to demonstrate a similar event, is a genetic early start in Alzheimer’s Gerzheimer’s”, related to new research who are not.

Grady, Wisniewski and research researchers agree that this is just the beginning. Indeed there are trials that are in advance to start or start Classic Alzheimerincluding a few Alzheimer’s network trials are managed through the network trials. These trials test approved and new experimental anti-amyloid drugs that can show a protective benefit from Ganteneruma. The researchers could take many patients in the original extension of the patients, despite the analysis of the information from this stage.

This is the early days, but it can be original hope for this invalid disease on the horizon.

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