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Quora’s Poe now lets users create and share custom AI-powered apps

PoeA number of AI models under one roof, the Quora platform, which brings together a number of AI models, launched a new ability to build a new ability to build a new ability to build a new ability – to build applications on any combination of models.

Named Poe appsFeature allows POE users to describe the applications they want to create in a new application tool. Descriptions can contain the notes of special models they want to use the application – for example, Openai’s O3-MiniOr Google’s Video Create I see 2 – Or more common, more common features.

Poe App Creator
The new application device with PoE’s new application device is becoming ai-pointed web applications.Photo credits:Sin

Anthropik’s application device recently released Claude 3.7 SonnetMake a descriptive code for the application interface with the special logic expressed in JavaScript. Poe applications can work side by side with Poe’s chatbot window or can be completely visually and can be visually visually and can expose the basic codes for manual adjustment and subtle adjustment.

Kvora created several sample applications, including an application that converts photographs using Openai 3D Anime style art GPT-4O and Black forest laboratories‘Flux-Pro-1.1. Another example application uses the desired objects from the pictures using Brion’s Bria-erasure model.

Poe applications can be shared with other POE users, only on the Internet (IOS and Android support goes to go to Quora). Each time an application uses the AI ​​model, it will take a user with POE from the point balance. Free users receive daily point share, although users subscribe to $ 5 per month, they subscribe to $ 5 a month, receive daily or monthly point packages.

Poe apps
Photo credits:Sin

In a blog postNoting that the application creators are available in an early access price for a test for a test, Quora pointed to a possible application option.

“It’s an early start and has a long road map to give more power, including the ability to earn money directly from their applications directly,” he said. “We are pleased to see what you all create. And this year this year we are pleased to see how well the models continue to be better this year.”

Poe apps that expand it POE was put into operation on the web applications last JulyAnthropik’s works and Openai’s Chatgpt Canvas tools can produce this type of tools, it is quite limited, of course, the models show how much models come.

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