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Vale Roger Gibbons | Cricket website

Especially the world of Cricket and Gloucestershire cricket, 80-year-old Roger Gibbons last week last week last week last week. Sustainable success Gloucestershire CCC Heritage Confidence.

Guven, dedicated to the protection of the district and was established in 2014. When the museum and training center was opened in the Nevil Road headquarters in the Nevil Road headquarters in Bristol, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger was one.

This strength came across Roger a few years ago and kept me up to date with the casual publications of the museum in various email exchanges. Roger himself was the best of the best and did not book full length in my collection of his name, his monographs were the most pleasant additions in recent years.

I think I think that Roger’s design and booklets have a little help outside of the booklets, it is likely to be out of these booklets, but it was interesting content in their hearts. In any case, the monographs were explored diligently and less known and less known and less known, and his subjects were excellent words along with the comprehensive concept of Roger.

Started with 2015 In memoryA tribute to Gloucestershire cricketers who are the last sacrifice for the countries of the Great War. In 2019, it was re-published together with three more. My personal favorite monograph is associated with a strange story of India’s proposed tour with a gloucestershire side in 1936/37 The tour that has never been.

Were the other two 2019 headlines Delayed in transitAn account of the record and playing the record of England in the west of England Xi, playing with war in 1944 and 1945 Relationship with a dead man. This last title I am sure that I would never see the light of the day. This is the story of his discovery, and for many years, the game historians, archiveists and statistics made three anonymous performances for gloucestershire in Victoria Times.

This was because the Roger’s cottage industry appeared four years ago, four more hoods. Related to CB Grace The youngest son of the legendary WG, which appeared four times in the first-class game, was a memory of Charles Usak Grace. George Pepall: Cricketer and CountrymanLike relationships with a dead man, decorated with a person who looks at a person with an interesting story story, decorated with the turn of the twentieth century.

The other two 2022 headings are interesting images in social and cricket history. Holidays at home: gloucester cricket week 1943 In Wartime, Gloucestershire’s populations looked at the holiday time in the holiday time and Bristol Cricket Challenge Cup Competition 1885-1892 The Victoria Club match again resets the history of something that it is not so ready, beat the trophy.

In the case of the other three years, we had four years of publications for another three years, but unfortunately, unfortunately, in preparation, it ended this idea. In a friendly way, I hope that they have developed well enough to activate colleagues in heritage confidence to complete and print projects.

A historian Roger was also a collector, but I said that unlike some cricket tragics, it was interested in something better than cricket. The accountant with the profession is a fulseene scale, excellent company and a beautiful race for the past few days. I once recently met with him at a recent event organized by Stephen Chalke in Lansdowne Cricket Club. For me, it was a very pleasant event that meets with many people I just written by e-mail. At a time, Roger came to me, he apologized for his cut, but he said he wanted to promote himself and said we could talk later. Unfortunately, we never did, and we will never do it now, but in the shortest time, Bonhomie, good humor and knowledge. His accompanying photo signing some of his monographs Border Books’ exhibition hall, It is holding it very well.

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