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Kakao Market Turmoil Raises the profile of old school pod meters

(Bloomberg) – Eddie Arthur in West Africa’s Cocoa Heartland, watching the farm every day, he had a quarter of a century to take to the farm on the farm and count several pods.

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Whenever every standing, a handful of wood, finally, can be turned into ball-sized pods and watches from a handful of wood, which can be used to dry or aging. Regardless of air or road conditions, this is repeated on about 20 farms a day to collect information that helps predict the total product size.

Work has been barely changed for decades. However, the meters like Arthur’s Arthur in Forestero became more important than ever, because traders, hedges and chocoliers are trying to measure production in a market with an unprecedented shortcoming.

“You have a better idea of ​​how the season on the farm,” Artur said, “Artur said the Ivory Coast in Gagnoa, the pods ahead of this year’s average product. “It has been a part of my hobby for many years. But I take the same seriousness and carefulness to every trip.”

After the top growers of the bad weather, the ivory shore and the futures hit a record after damaging the crops in Ghana. The violence of the rally was even surprised by experienced market players, caused chaos along the global supply chain of Cocoa and gave a reminder on how sensitive supply of sensitive supply with climate change.

It calls on people to ask people to pay more attention to people in an area where the supply data is relatively scarce.

“The pod counts have more than 50 years, but some have chosen to ignore the information,” said the pods also investigated the workers on tropical research services. “People agreed with low prices. Now there is more interest in the last 18 months after people happen.”

For other large products such as wheat or sugar, it is more difficult to get an idea of ​​the supply image in the non-transparent cocoa industry. This is due to a smaller amount of dominant players, because of the industrial Ivory Coast and Ghana governments – rarely publish the supply figures.

Therefore, the pod meters can offer valuable ideas.

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