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The Worm That No Computer Scientist Can Crack

Santa Mother When the first worm simulation escapes, the winds already captivated. I’m not a hacker, but it was easy enough: open the terminal peel, paste some commands from Github, follow the PASCADE from the screen. As in the movies. I was scanned the passing code for words known-neuron, virtiarly– When a friend comes to take me for dinner. I shouted from my office “one second”. “I’m just working on my computer on my computer.”

The energy manic was in the Korean restaurant; The wind bended palm trees in the waist and sent shopping carts skating along the stops. The atmosphere grew up as a podcast in double speed and felt unreal. What do you do, what, cyber criminal? my friend asked. I tried to explain on the religion: No, it’s not a worm like a stuxnet. A worm like Richard Scarry.

Was dark as soon as I got home and the first sparks had already fell to the ground Altadena. In my laptop I was a wolf waiting in a pixel box in a voluminous pixel. He pointed to every end, in one part of the particles, eerilous glue floated straight and inactive. Of course, it was not alive. He still killed me more than the dead. “Bravo” said Stefan Larson, when he reached him later night. “You have reached the situation of the simulation ‘Hello world’.”

Larson is a cofounter Quick-wittedSince 2011, open source software effort to build a computer simulation of a microscopic nematode since 2011 Caenorhabdit elegans. The goal is not less than a digital twin of the real worm, the molecule is accurate. If Openworm could handle this, it would only be the first virtual animal and embodiment of all our knowledge C. ElegansHe uses the “Holy Grail”, which is one of the most common animals in science, but the world’s way to developing the world, “Holy Grail”, as “holy grail”.

Unfortunately, they did not manage. The simulation of the laptop is transformed into a calculation frame called C302, from the practices made with residential worms and turn it into a calculation frame called C302 C. Elegans In a liquid dynamic environment, the worm, a simulation on how to progress in a flat plate of everything in everything. It pays for about 10 hours to create five seconds of this behavior.

It can be more than 10 hours. An ember can go to the wind, foothills and asleep. That night, Larson’s advice, I punched the simulation time parameters, outside the “Hello World” and in the unusual valley of the wolf. The next morning, I woke up on an eerie orange mist, and when I opened my laptop, two things threw my heart: Los Angeles burned. And I had the land moved.

At this point, You can ask yourself a very reasonable question. The Korean space also wanted a friend among Banchan’s bite. The question is: Uhh … Why? Why will anyone try to fit all the problems to solve all the problems in front of everything, to solve the existence of a microscopic worm to solve?

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