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Alexa+ can read, summarize and recall lengthy documents

The company presented the company on Wednesday at the Annual and Services of Amazon Alexa +Now the developed version of the voice assistant equipped by the generation AI.

During the demonstration, Amazon demonstrated how to share documents with Alexa +, it allows you to answer important details and questions about these documents.

Alexa Director Mara Segal, presented a few examples of how this feature works. In an example Alexa + asked: “How much did the Neflect from the bread recipe of Grandma?” Alexa + was able to remove the answer from the previously loaded recipe.

In a more sophisticated script, a user can download a document (HOA) from the Association of Homeowners (HOA) and ask for questions about the instructions that are tending to draw a lot of people.

In addition, users can send more than one email from a child’s school to multiple emails in Alexa +, extracting and summarizing. It can also help you manage calendars to ensure that it does not miss important school events.

Amazon demonstrated several Alexa + features at the event The opportunity to jump on different film scenes in the Prime video and manage intelligent home appliances that allow users to move music between speakers in different rooms.

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