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Amazon debuts Ocelot, its first quantum computing chip

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced Ocelot, first quantum computing chip. The news brings him to the great cloud rivals Microsoft and GoogleIn recent months, he also presented his quantum chips, respectively Majorana and will.

The cloud computing giant has long been investing in quantum billing in 2019 Bracket Quantum Computing-AA-Service Started as a partner with industrial players like Quera and Rigetti.

Quantum calculation is based on the quantum mechanics, the principles of “quantum bits” (Gosses) to make complex calculations more quickly than traditional computers. Applications include potentially discovering drugs, cryptography and security and AI.

Quantum chips that can work with reduced mistakes – now one of the goalkeeping factors for quantum computing will be the center for the development of quantum calculation.

Ocelot is designed as partners with the California Institute of Technology (Caldech) and combine two small silicone microches (pictured above) adhesive to each other. The company says the design of the chip can reduce the costs of error correction up to 90%.

“The latest improvements in Quantum research, this is no longer a matter, but practical, sinful quantum computers are available for real world applications,” Gutum hardware, Oscan artist’s “AWS Director.”

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