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Andrew Tate and Brother Leave Romania for the United States after prohibiting the journey Sexual attack news

The right-winged affected brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, Romania for the United States, including prosecutors, including human trafficking, the investigation into allegations that they have left the country they left the country they left the country.

The duo, the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom, a special jet for Florida in the Romanian capital, Bucharest, a number of media outlets, a number of media outlets, Diicot’s travel ban on the ban on “Changing”.

Romanian prosecutors Stored Small Kickboxer Andrew Tate, 38 and brother Tristan, 36, 2022, in 2021, Romania and England criminal organization, trafficking, small and dirty money laundering criminal organization. They deny all claims.

Until this week, the brothers also left the Romanian, and now left an event raised.

“The desire to change the obligation to not leave Romania was approved,” the prosecutors.

“Every other obligations, including the judiciary, were also requested to check each time.”

Diicot said that the taters were “under court control” and still had to respond to any call from the judiciary, he must be punished with “a higher custody event” with “bad faith” violations.

A court in Bucharest in Bucharest, the brothers spokesman Mateea Petreski, according to Mateea Petreski, is dominated by the appeal by the appeal by the appeal to raise numerous assets.

Assets include six luxury vehicles, land and features and company shares. According to him, the previously frozen bank accounts are slow.

“Some assets remain carefully, this decision is a significant step against justice,” he said.

TATTERS WORD Romanian Foreign Minister Emil Hurezeanu, in the early this month, US President Donald Trump’s special meeting with Richard Grenell, said he said.

After the Bucharest members demanded the lifting of travel restrictions in Bucharest’s tats in Bucharest members, Bucharest rejected the restricting pressure on pressure on the restrictions on the Tates.

Any bilateral agreement on the removal of the “preventive measure” in the former Judgment, the former Judgment in the past, Romania said it would be unpredictable.

“If it is true, it means the lack of trade in the law and sovereign countries,” he said.

‘The main risk’

Romanian officials have officially accused the TARS with two Romanian women last year. Denies all allegations of four.

The first criminal case failed the Bucharest Court of Appeal and the prosecutors returned to the prosecutors in the indictment.

In April, another court decided that the Bucharest court could start a test, but not to set a date.

Waiting for an ongoing criminal investigation, the flavors are under court control, and under the police are required to check the police regularly.

One English arrest decision After the Romanian trial, the claims of sexual harassment between 2012 and 2015 were also given to the tats to be extradited.

On Thursday, the four-british women, who brought allegations, said that the criminal case in Romania will be suspended in Romania and the authorities are “a great risk” to “ensure fairly justice in the UK.”

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s office for a spokesperson, or refused to comment on the situation that Britain wanted to be delivered to England.

A misgoginistic, a self-depicting misgoginist, the Tate, which affects social media, has won millions of fans by promoting an ultra male lifestyle that critics denied women.

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