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First British tourists returned to North Korea, what they saw to BBC

Jean Mackenzie

Seoul reporter

Joe Smith's picture of a pharmacy. A woman stands behind a meter, which is neatly sold with colorful boxes of farrack products. Its behind her is a colorful poster and a creamy wall of creamJoe smith

Local guides must follow a serious, pre-approved schedule – this round included a visit to a new, complete stock pharmacy

Do not insult leaders. Do not insult ideology. And don’t judge.

The rules read the rules for tour guidents, Western tourists, as they are preparing to cross the border in northern Korea, as they are preparing to hold the border from the world to the most secret and repressive country.

Then there is practical information. No phone signal, there is no internet, no cash.

“North Koreans are not robots. We have reviews, purposes and humor.

Rowan Beard / Young Pioneer Tours Hat and Sun Goggles Holds a man sealed paper and a sea passportRowan Beard / Young Pioneer Tours

Rowan and a handful of other tour leaders were allowed to restart operations

North Korea sealed its borders at the beginning of the pandemic, diplomats are turned off, and the help of the providers and travelers are almost impossible to know what happened there.

Since then, relying on Russia and China and China has been isolated more than most of the world. Mostly questioned Westerners to be repaid.

But for years and several fake beginners, Rowan and some other tour leaders were given a green light to restart operations. A group of amateur groups after five hours later brought together a group, hopeless not to miss the opportunity. Most people were addicted to vlogger and travel, while others want to celebrate the country together with the country, the country alone.

Tourists from England, France, Germany and Australia passed last Thursday, from China to China for four nights.

Joe Smith is a look of a blue food store in North Korea. Has external green headlines and there is a woman looking out of a windowJoe smith

Tourists from England, France, Germany and Australia crossed the border for four nights

Among them became 28-year-old English Youtuber Mike O’Kennedy. Even with his reputation, he was admired with the level of extreme management. As with all trips to North Korea, tourists were accompanied by local guides who are subject to a serious, pre-approved schedule. It included a brewery factory, a school and a new, full-stocked pharmacy, carefully honeographic trips.

Ben Weston, one of the Suffolk tour leaders, is to visit North Korea to visit the “School trip.” “You can’t leave the hotel without the guides,” he said.

“When I want to use the bathroom several times, I had to let them know,” Mike said. “I have never had to do it anywhere in the world.”

Despite chaperoning, Mike was able to watch the pieces of real life. “Everyone has worked, not everyone else was just hanging. It was a kind of shy to see.”

During his trip to school, a group of eight-year-olds danced the animations of ballistic missiles that hit the target. The video shows the video of the girl and boys, who are red necklaces, singing and flames on a screen behind the explosions.

Mike O'Kennedy Young children go to the stage in front of a large screen with animations of ballistic missilesMike O’Kennedy

Mike saw an eight-year-old group of a dance to dance to the animation of ballistic missiles

So far, tourists are well maintained from the capital Pyongyang. Greg Vaczi from Koryo Tours, another tour company retreated, the current route is not “big hitting monuments” of Pyongyang. The authorities are suspicious of choosing Rason as a guinea pig, because the area is relatively and easy to handle.

The established a special economic zone, tested a new financial policy, operates as a mini capitalist encloder in another socialist state. Chinese businessmen are building joint ventures with North Koreans and can travel inside and completely.

An experienced North Korea Korean and former writer Joe Smith, who was experienced for the North Korean platform, which is NK news, was on his third visit. “I feel more often than you know more than you know. Each time you get a little peek behind the scenes leaving you with more questions.”

Joe’s highlight, fake Louis Vuitton bags and Japanese clothes and Japanese dresses and Japanese washing machines were probably a trip to a luxury commodity market, which was brought from China, was a visit to a surprise agenda. Here, tourists were not allowed to take photos – this consumer attempt to hide the bubble from the rest of the country, they suspected.

“It didn’t expect us to people,” said Joe. “It felt mixed and real; a place North Koreans actually went. I loved.”

Joe Smith stands in front of a stone fence with a man, black jeans and purple fleece with an image platform. You can see the mountains, trees and sea behindJoe smith

Joe visited North Korea four times

However, according to experienced tour leaders, the group’s actions were limited more than previous visits, walking the streets, a hairdresser or supermarket and more opportunities to speak to the supermarket and talk to local residents.

Covid, the reason is often quoted, Greg said Greg from the corony tours. “They are still concerned on the surface. Our luggage was disinfected at the border, our temperature was taken and about 50% of people still wear masks.” Greg can’t work a excuse to control whether the fear is genuine or to control people.

Covid thinks North Korea’s hard hitAlthough it is difficult to know the degree of suffering.

Local guides reiterated the government line with a balloon sent by the virus from South Korea and was eliminated rapidly in 90 days. Rowan, more than 100 times in North Korea, felt that Rason affects the rules of hard covig. Many Chinese enterprises have been closed, said and went to workers.

Joe, who has an experienced North Korean traveler, also commented on how much the buildings are created. “The places were stained and there was no heat from our hotel rooms,” he said, a cold, dark and abandoned art gallery. “It felt that the doors just opened for us.”

Mike O'Kennedy is a black man, a big building and a bike on a bike in front of the heaps of congregation. The background has a tree overlapped hillsMike O’Kennedy

Some tourists Rason – the area they visited – “terrible” ways and washed with flowing buildings

The photographs of the regime may seem clean and bright in North Korea, Joe said, but “the roads are terrible, sidewalk, and buildings are built in a strange way.” The hotel room was old and dirty, he said and “her grandmother’s living room.” Cracked the whole window.

“Surely they are five years to make it. North Koreans are so sensitive because they show tourists. If it is best, I’m afraid to think about what else.” Most of the country remains hidden, with More than four of 10 people believed to feed and help.

Joe Smith, two beds, yellow flowering carpet, doted plants, a hotel room with windows with decorative curtainsJoe smith

Joe said the hotel room looks like the “grandmother’s living room”

One of the few chances of tourists in North Korea is through English-speaking guides to interact with local people. In these recent trips, despite the close propaganda machine and information blockade, they were surprisingly informed because they were surprisingly informed. Probably because they talked to the Chinese businessmen who came to Greg.

Trump tariffs and the war in Ukraine – even North Korean troops. However, when Joe showed a photo from Syria, the guide was unaware of President Assad’s overthrow. “I carefully explained that sometimes people got up and forcing them and forcing them, and first did not believe me.”

Such conversations must be subtle. Hard laws prevent North Koreans from speaking free. Ask or discover a lot and tourists can risk their own guides or themselves.

Mike O'Kennedy Mike O'Kennedy, three North Korean tour guides stands with a statue of two people in the background and trees Mike O’Kennedy

Mike said talks about international policy instructions should be carefully managed

Mike, this annoyed it. On a visit to the North Korea-Russia Friendship House, was invited to write in the book of visitors. “I went empty and I wrote something like ‘I wish you peace to the world.’ After that, my guide told me that he was inappropriate to write me.” This was paranoid. “

“In general, guides did a great job to feel safe. There were only a few minutes when I thought it was strange.”

For Greg from Koryo, this interaction brings a deeper goal for North Korean tourism: “North Koreans are a chance to deal with foreigners. This allows you to get acquainted with new ideas.”

However, North Korea is tourism, especially travelers and most Western diplomats, including most Western diplomats, most Western diplomats. Critics, including Joanna Hosaniak, including the Alliance of Citizens North Korea, according to these visits, these visits are mainly benefited from this mode.

“This is not like tourism in other poor countries that local people benefit from additional income. The vast majority of the population do not know these tourists. Their money is going to the state and the situation is towards its military.”

One conversation was stuck at the top of YouTuber Mike. During his trip to school, he was surprised after meeting with a girl, he said he hoped to visit England a day. “I didn’t have a heart to say that his chances are very thin,” he said.

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