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Twitch streamers’ uploads and highlights can no longer exceed 100 hours

Leap have hatch About how much a flow can be kept to emphasize loading and videos. Staring service will be calculated since April 19, all download and highlights for each fluid, a new 100-hour storage limit, or not videos. It should be noted that the lid does not apply to previous live broadcasts, applies to previous live broadcasts and segments or clips with minute segments that can be distributed to social networks. Attentional points may be longer than clips and can be prepared from a video from several key points, ie more storage space.

The service explained that first initials to discover and involve flowers, but the feature is probably not effective clip and mobile discovery. Storage expensive and restrictive points and downloads will allow you to support their accounts when investing in developments such as service, clips and mobile feed.

Twitch said that in less than 0.5 percent of active streams, 100 hours of extreme, directly warned. To facilitates what videos of Furners, Twitch pulled the filters for a video manufacturer, which allows them to compile their content based on the length, appearance and date. The service will delete videos for users who go beyond 100 hours in April 19 and restrict loads and restrictions.

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