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SymbyAI raises $2.1M seed to make science research easier

SymbyaTo facilitate scientific research, the SAAS platform, which uses the SAAS platform, the other captain and the Charactiervc wasolated by $ 2.1 million.

The platform launched by Ahia Livaudais and Michael House last year provides organized work areas for internships within a place for researchers, codes, information and experience. This helps to monitor progress and has AI feature that helps with peers with review and repetition.

“It is important to note that Symbyi was established in the Solution of the AI, so users accidentally worried that confidential information was sent to the open information,” Livaudais told Techcrunch. Researchers remain the property of intellectual property owners and are not used to develop Symbian main models.

Livaudais said that the company started working after the interviews and the sloss slaughter.

“Symby’s foundations have been created every day in solving a problem that I faced every day, and then my research has realized that my colleagues in my society seek solutions to the same problems,” he said. “It is when ever, we can successfully and repeatedly shorten critical research processes for hours and repeatedly, almost every discovery conversation I demanded.”

Works with Symbyai, academic publishing houses, research organizations and universities. Livaudais said that the GBETA program, which is part of the Genoupe, is familiar with investors. By means of GBETA program, Livaudais, including Livaudais, said that in Symbky, including investing in front of the seeds, said that Symmby also gave it early in Symmby.

The company now plans to use the company to continue to build and implement the initial partners.

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