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Get acquainted with Anoran’s sexual staff now, Bearing Academy Awards Success

A universal stage of Anora, Mikey Madison and other two other actors in a clubUniversal

Mikey Madison stars in Anora, a movie about New York Stripper

Luna Sofia Miranda Sean Baker approached a strip club in New York in 2022, he tried to do his best to attract him.

But “he did not want to get a very open period dance,” he says.

Miranda, who was 23 years old, began to ask why and his wife was there.

“I’m very named” says. “So I continued to ask questions and finally went out of them. They were moving about the speeds.”

He was offered a part of the film after receiving an acting and a successful listener – after a 24-year-old call.

This film is seen as one of the parties going to Oscars on Sunday, Anora.

This is aimed at Mikey Maryison, which fits the best actress for the best actress for the best actress for the role of New York Stripper.

Madison rely on the real life driver to help the 25-year-old part perfectly.

When the Bafta wins the film reward Last month he dedicated him to the Sex Working community.

“I managed to meet a part of this society with the film’s studies, and this was one of the most incredible parts of the film.”

They “deserve respect and often don’t get it. So I have to say something,” he said.

We are talking about the actresses, refrigerators and dancers, about their thoughts on the practices of work and finished products.

Some real, especially sexual workers, especially sexual workers, praised himself in the description of exhaustion. Others said the film was “limited”.

‘I didn’t show me’

Picture of Firquet in Zina LouhichyOther Louhaichy

21-year-old Firquet from London, was a background dancer in Anora

Edie Furnet was not sure that you will first participate in the film.

21-year-old, 21-year-old in English and Harry Potter, now lives in New York, where it is a student and refrigerator.

After seeing a casting agent in the club, Anorada was poured as a background dancer. Firquet, called the night before we were moving, it was not shown.

“I didn’t want to be part of a bad cooling film or I did not want to do anything in the industry, so I was scared,” he said.

“Most movies about stripperes are super aesthetic or bad and abuse.”

Universal / Augusta Quira Mikey like Anora, like Madison, dancing in a clubUniversal / Augusta Quirk

Edie, in 2020, About an waiter who goes to Florida for a weekend for fast cash. “I did this, I felt completely overthrown and felt like he was talking to women.”

“Don’t start the pretty woman who makes me angry, especially the idea of ​​a street worker played by Julia Roberts. Come up. Come.”

However, Furnet’s Anora changed his mind when a Sean was a Sean.

“His films are based on realism, it has a style that is in a flint-on-wall mode,” he said. “So I went down.”

Baker’s film skills were also about what was attracted to the film of Lindsey Normington. The actress and dressing stars diamond, as an enemy of Anoran’s workplace.

He said he saw him on his next side for a film premiere and went to him to say that he was a fan.

After a few months later in Instagram and months, he contacted him to say that he had a role in a new film. Normington said, “I came down to my knees in my house,” he said.

‘I taught Mikey Stripper Slang’

Miguel Herrera Photo by Luna Sofia Miranda in photo, black and whiteMiguel Herrera Photo

Luna Sofia Miranda lulu plays anora’s best friend

In the film, Anora, when a wealthy Russian son met for the son of a Russian and fell, is offered a chance to save a fairy tale.

Miranda, an actress and cooling, playing anoran’s best friend Lulu, said he helped Madison sounded like a real sex worker from New York.

“I just shared the tongue and jargon conditions from New York,” he said.

One of these words was the “whale”, which Miranda’s “whale” said, “It is a report that tells you. He will make your night. He will not work too hard for you.”

Noguera Kennady is availableNaima Noguera

Kennady Schneider taught Mikey how to dance Madison

In the film, Kennady Schneider, a based cooling and choreographer of Los Angeles, who has taught Madison to dance.

He says that in Madison LA, a polar set up and the couple began working on Sexy Rutin.

Schneider said, “He put it up.” 28. “It was so determined.”

Rejected, heartache and tube containers boxes

This section contains spoilers for Anora

Miranda said most of the topics of the film are relative to her, about the heartache and rejection.

“Sometimes I feel like this bright toy, I feel like they want to play with people. And then they put you aside and left you.”

“I think so much to feel like I feel like anora.”

The tournet shows that the “very relevant and fierce”, “exhaustion and fatigue” indicates that the slides often felt.

“There’s trauma inside the sexual industry. He felt so real. This is an incredibly sensible industry,” he said.

“Each time you go to work, you put yourself in danger. This is a complicated and tiring job.”

However, in general, he said there were mixed feelings about the film.

Universal Mikey Madison and Mark Eldelshtayn star in AnoraUniversal

Mikey Madison and the Eydelshtein star in Anoro

“How many cooling movies are missing – and Anora begins, but it doesn’t go enough – the spiritual question around men who make sex,” he said.

“This is a matter of consent. Most of these films are reluctant to respond to him or look at him.”

He said that these characters “never have a profession.”

“(Anora) is a very limited character,” he said. “We never learn anything about him. The film is determining who is (men’s leaders) Igor and Vanya perspective.”

“It’s better than the movie I have seen about it, but as a result, this is limited as saying by sex worker,” he said. “I can’t wait until you tell our stories and hopefully open this door.”

Joelle Grace Taylor, Picture of Lindsey Normington wearing green feathers BowerJoelle grace taylor

Lindsey Normington, Diamond, plays the enemy at Anoran’s work

The film for Normington was reflected in the “insecurity and competition and jealousy” in which the clubs live in person.

“I highly appreciate that the assessment strip is not trying to be movie.”

Meanwhile, for Schneider, the world’s worldly nature was in the description of the film of a chord.

In the early scenes of the film, we see Anoras in the workplace, we talk to clients in the club.

We eat him and other colds from a lunch break, from the tube boxes in the back room.

“It really felt exactly,” said Schneider.

“In many of the time, in the movies of the time, you have glamammas, falling from the ceiling. Those moments are happening, but they are very and far.” “There is more than a quiet haste.”

Oscar hopes

Anora Universal Snabbers on a SceneUniversal

When Anora went out, special examinations were made for sex workers in New York and LA.

Spread on social media At the end of the screen, a high-heeled platform platform platform platform platform platform platform shows the platform shoes.

“This is the most beautiful applause I have ever received,” Madison said to us.

Now all eyes are over Oscar.

Both Miranda and Normington will take part. “It’s a kind of thinking that I went to the Oscars, but (at the same time) I said that I was in a club over $ 20 with a fool,” Miranda said.

“I feel like I live in two lives.”

He said that Madison said he was “spotting” to not receive respect for a sexual work community and hoped that Anora’s success will change.

“My hope is that if this film is winning Oscar, it notes the beginning of a change in Hollywood, as well as employees in their fields.

“If this movie wins an Oscar, I want to see it.”

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