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Instagram’s new ad format lets creators get paid for testimonials in comments

Instagram provides a new way to work with brands to earn money by recommending creative products. Meta presented him in addition to Thursday Partnership ads The phrases called the statements that allow the Creators to pay through written approvals were shared in the form of comments on the brand social media posts and ads.

The new ad format is an action to make money on social media.

Many brand levers today Paid commentatorsOr otherwise encourage customers by leaving positive feedback. For someone who explores a new product, it can be difficult to say that there is a really happy client and astroturfing in the comments section.

Adding a way to introduce yourself as a paid promotion for the Creators, can increase the party between the brand’s followers when the nature of creative brand relations. These are not clearly organic, not organic, creators must at least risk their own prestige by putting their names. If they are not voters about these recommendations, they can lose their views.

Explains Meta uses creative recommendations in Instagram when 40% of people are now shopping.

Came in the form of these recommendations with partnership ads branded content Added with paid partnership label and even nonsense Posts that present both creativity and brand work as the authors of the post.

Testimonials, in this time, let the creators write a message of 125 characters from the 125th symbol of the brand campaign or advertisement. Developers to work will send written approvals to the brand and will connect this to the correct advertisement.

Testimonials, then connect to the comments section in the post post, feedback and creators give more visibility behind them.

If the Creators also monitor these testimonials and other partnerships under the application creative parameters and no guarantees, how the content is used and even contains.

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