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Why Japanese Oscar officials ‘Black Box Diaries’ are not shown in Japan

A Japanese woman who is looking for justice after the aggression was reported to be raped, a bidder in the Akadian Awards. However, despite the fact that a Japanese director, which is a candidate for an Oscar, it is impossible to see the film in his country.

In the film, “Black box diaries” Journalist Shiori ITO explains the story of what happened to him He said he was raped in a hotel by prominent television journalist And he says that he lives with the Japanese justice system.

In January 2024, the film corresponding to the best documentary at the Sundance Film Festival. In October, it was broadcast in the US Theaters and can be seen at the moment or be displayed in more than 30 countries. But they do not include Japan.

A branch of the main streaming service has refused to distribute the film in early 2024 and said that the film was expressed by the theaters so far. Prospects for release of the film, MS. He said that the iTo said, including the former lawyers and other previous supporters, including the images without the consent of the people in it.

This is the first time in Japan’s Hollywood, the first time balmed. A documentary about a dolphin hunting in the city of Taji and the “unbreakable” was opened a year after the U.S. premiers and the U.S. premiers about the cruel treatment of allied prisoners during World War II. “Cove” prepared by an American director won Oscar for the best documentary in 2010.

Mso Ito says “Black box diaries”, despite the Japanese director, usually shines on a topic stored in the shadows.

“This film is not just about sexual violence. This is about power, corruption and systematic problems,” said Mrs. “I worries many people, this is definitely.”

Mso Ito, 35, 2017 was a number of polarizing because the journalist Noriyuki Yamaguchi was unconscious by Yamaguchi in 2017. Mr Yamaguchi, the biographer of the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, denied the allegations, and in two months later the prosecutors were opened by prosecutors.

Mrs. This He won a civil suit against him For damage to a judgment in force of the Supreme Court of Japan.

The court created a symbol of Japan, which has not yet developed Japan, and the critics maintained the screwain to develop his career.

“There is a tendency to not talk about hot key problems in the Japanese society,” he said. “I believe that this film should become a catalyst to ensure that this film does not pass any woman’s painful experience.”

The stress of all the attention turned out to be appealed to the ITO. On February 20, Tokyo has repealed a press conference at the last moment. An edited version of the film is also broken.

A group of lawyers, including a civil suit, held a press conference to repeat his press conference in the same day. “Black box diaries” said the taxi driver uses video and audio, a police detention, and one of the lawyers without the permission of these individuals.

Also includes Ms. Ito Her footage dragged to the taxi By Mr Yamaguchi when he came to the hotel. Images from a security camera were used without the hotel’s permission, and lawyers, who demanded that it and other landscapes, said.

“Now I have to talk to someone I have been fighting for years,” he said, “One of the lawyers Yoko Boehiro. “It’s how sad it is.”

After the release of the news conference, Ms., Mrs. Mrs. said to “damage”, and an apology for “the modified version of the film” to ensure the identification of individuals. ” “

At the same time, Mso Ito and the producers of the film are scenes they did not want to cut. One of them, MS. Ito’s “The only visual evidence of sexual harassment” is security camera footage from the hotel.

Film producer Eric Nyari said they are still trying to discuss a version that can apply for criticism in privacy while exposing what happened.

“There are certain areas we meet anxiously,” he said.

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