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Kurdish group PKK declares a ceasefire with Turkey

The kidnapped Kurdish group declared a ceasefire and a ceasefire after calling for the arrested leader Abdullah Ocalan to suppress and solve him.

In a statement on Saturday, the PKK, Turkey has been arrested in a single prison since 1999, he said he could lead to disarmament.

This week, in the end of the armed struggle in the four decades in the Southeast Turkey in the Southeast Turkey, in the end of the armed struggle in the end of the armed struggle in the four decades.

Devlet Bahçeli’s announcement of the Ultra-Nationalist MHP Party of Turkey, Devlet Bahçeli and the Turkish government’s ally, launched an initiative to end the confrontation.

Ocalan – Kurdish nationalists were remembered in a friendly way as APO – this week’s Kurdish supporter’s party’s deputies, an island in the Marmara Sea in the south-west of Istanbul was arrested.

“We have declared a ceasefire to the PKK Executive Committee, the PKK Executive Committee, the PKK’s PKK news agency said.

“Unless you attack, none of our forces will take an armed motion.”

PKK – Standing for the side of Kurdistan – Ocalan’s prison conditions should be relieved, “it must be able to live in physical freedom and have to work without friends.”

The group has been rebeled for the purpose of carving a homeland for the Kurds, which made about 20% of Turkey’s 85 million people since 1984. It is prohibited in Turkey as a terrorist group in the EU, England and the United States.

The call of disarmament, Ocalan had PKK members applied in a letter Ahmet Turk and Pervin Buldan, read by DEM Party members, both Kurdish and Turkish.

He said, “All groups should put a weapon, and the PKK must solve itself,” he added that the movement was established in the first place because he was “democratic policy of democratic policy.”

However, Bahçeli, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other political parties were supported by positive signals, created the right environment for the PKK, added to Ocalan.

Kurdish leaders were greeted in great measure. Thousands of people said they gathered in Diyarbakir and Van in Diyarbakir and Van, they gathered in the Kurdish statement to the southeastern minibus.

However, there are important questions between both Kurds and the Turkish community for what the next steps can happen and everyone will happen.

Last week, PKK Commander Duran Kalkan, Turkey’s ruling party, AKP did not seek a solution, but to “capture, destroy, destroy and destroy”.

Supporters of Turkey in the North-East in Syria called for the Kurdish forces and Syria’s new leaders in Syria to eliminate Syria’s democratic forces.

Kurdish politicians targeted the wave of arrest and imprisonment in recent years.

40,000 people were killed for the rebellion of the PKK’s rebellion.

Twenty-and-a-half a year and a half years and a half a half years since 2017 he has been a spike since 2017 since 2017 since 2017 since 2017 to 2017.

Recently, in October, 5 people were killed near Ankara, which attacked the PKK’s Aerospace Industry Industry in Turkey (TAI).

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