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WorldShards generates $6.2M as part of Open Loot partnership

Lowkick games today have announced that Web3 MMORPG WorldistHards earned more than $ 6.2 million in the market for sale in the market. According to the developer, this web3 game platform, which includes in February 2023, did this through a strategic partnership. Lowkick also claims that without the benefit of marketing.

WorldShards, a Sandbox MMORPG MMORPG in Murrandia, which is a system installed for a system and NFT installed for a system and NFT installed for a system and NFTs installed for “developing player experiences.”

The game was to create $ 179,000 from the input keys in the first NFT sale one year ago. Since then, Lowkick games say $ 5.2 million in sales of the game in the NFT sales of $ 5.2 million and $ 1.1 million in the premium currency.

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