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OpenAI launches $50M grant program to help fund academic research

Open on Monday Consortium was declared, NextgenaiAt the highest universities, AI was aimed at supporting auxiliary research.

The 15th founder academic partner Nextgenai, Oxtgenai, Oxford University and MIT, the API of $ 50 million in a $ 50 million investigate, calculation grants and API’s API will be funded and funded to API. Students, teachers and researchers will win the right to receive awards in the next few months.

“This initiative is only designed to prepare the next generation’s discoveries and the next generations to form the future of the EU.” […] As we learn from this initiative, we will explore opportunities accessible and expanding its effect. “

Nextgenai, Openai, after the release of Chatgpt edu product for universities in the past May, in recent weeks, there is a productive time for AI research grants, Trump Office It was reported to have something The EU employees of a number of national sciences for expertise fired on fire, and threatened the agency’s key to continue working AI.

Nextgenai can help to work critical with AI. However, Openai is not a fully neutral banquet in the AI ​​race. The beginning is probably hoping to shop for researchers, teachers and students, including AI tools, including open source alternatives.

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