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Archaeologists find the tomb of Pharaoh, King Tut, says in Egypt

Archaeologists, Pharaon’s Luxury Egyptian Valley, the Ministry of Egyptian Antiques This week, the first excavations of the Royal tomb were announced earlier the first excavations.

According to the Egyptian ministry, the newly defined tomb was “The last missing royalty tomb of the 18th dynasty, which believes in the 18th BC.”

The excavation was a joint project by Egyptian and English researchers, which began in 2022, was found in the entrance and main corridor of the grave.

Archaeologists first thought that the tomb belonged to the royal wives and Hatshepsut, the throne of Thutmose II belonged to a royal concealer because he was a queen for himself.

The tomb was also for the burial of a king, the bottom of the two waterfalls and under a slope, during the hotter of the 15th century BC, during the 15th century BC

However, the evidence within the grave, in fact, built for a king, including the fragments of Alabaster jars, including “late king” and Hatshepsut called “late king” and called Hatshepsut called “late king” and articles. Blue blue paint with yellow stars that archaeologists find in the king’s tombs were still untouchable.

This image, which is broadcast by the Ministry of Egypt and the Ministry of Tourism, shows artifact during archeological excavations discovering King Thutmose II grave.Credit …AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE – Getty Images

“Sometimes discoveries are made, but then the real significance is clear with additional intelligence,” he said, professor of Egyptian spectators in Harvard, who did not participate in the excavation.

A similar case noted that a few decades ago in the Kings Valley, “previously more unusual one previously previously made”. Appeared to be Built for many children Ramses II, one of the most powerful Pharaohs of Egypt.

Thutmose II, Professor Manuelian said: “Lived during the interesting period of Egyptian history: the 18th dynasty of the imperialist and cosmopolitan.” His power, perhaps his father, son and queen, shadowed by the queen who reigns and build up to about 20 years Great temple And the grave for himself.

“We are still trying to understand the construction and edges of this period,” said Professor Manuelian and the “new” tomb will not doubt us with additional tips. “

Despite the ministry’s lawsuit, this was the first such discovery since 1922, not everyone will agree: archaeologists reported Pharaoh’s tombs 1940 and in 2014. A member of the recent research team did not answer the questions asked immediately to clarify.

Nevertheless, the Supreme Antik of Egypt was found as Secretary General, Mohammad Ismayil Khaled, as the most important thing in decades. “This was discovered for the first time in Thutmose II,” said funeral furniture, “he said statement.

However, as opposed to the grave of Tutankhamen found in the rooms Full of artifacts In 1922, the thtmose II grave II was all emptied during the excavation.

Archaeologists believe that the king was flooded shortly after the death and is transferred to another place. (Thutmose II was the mummified remains ruminate In the 19th century, a fruitful complex in Deir el-Baxhari.)

“Water injury caused severe deterioration that causes the loss of many original content transferred in ancient times, because it caused the loss of many original content that was assumed that it was transferred in ancient times.

He said that archaeologists, blue books, yellow star motifs and elements of the amduat book, including the elements of the key tombs, and the elements of books of books, which are the main religious text used in the royal tombs, “he said.

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