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HHS employees offer $ 25,000 ‘voluntarily encouragement’

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) employees were offered to reduce the plans to reduce the plans of the Agency’s federal workforce, the agency was offered to $ 25,000.

In the email sent on Friday, HHS HHS headed by the Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Volunteer Separation Promotion has received permission from the Office of the Personnel Management Office (OPM) to offer payments.

OPM, “Optional stimulus, reducing or reconstruction or reconstruction or reconstruction or reconstruction or reconstruction of up to $ 25,000.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,

Robert F. Kennedy, JR presides the health and human services department where about 80,000 people currently operate and is the second budget for the second budget in the US budget. (Getty Images)

The centers for paid, disease control and prevention are centers, Medicaid and Medicaid services (CMS), Food and Medications (FDA) and the National Health Institutes (NIH) are available for most employees within the HHS.

There is an opportunity to pay the payment when employees are also appropriate Optional or early retirement, According to the OPM website.

Approximately 75,000 federal employees agree with Trump’s purchase offer

“By allowing employees to volunteer to leave the government, agencies may be minimized or compulsive to be compulsive to the use of expensive and disruptive reductions in force,” he said.

HHS logo

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Medicare and Medicaid Services, Food and Medications and National Health Institutes (NIH) operate under the Department of Health and Human Services. (AP / JAKINELINE LARMA)

At present, according to the Commission of Equal Employment, currently 80,000 people work for some HHS.

The offer must be submitted to local HR offices until Friday, on Monday and Forms

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HHS is the second best federal agency and is 20.6% 2025 American budget for fiscal year According to, $ 2.4 trillion in budget resources. Most of this money is spent by Medicaid and Medicare services centers.

Medicare card

HHS spends the majority of the budget of Medicaid and Medicare services centers. (Idle)

The only agency with the capacity of more spending is the Treasury Department.

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