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CDC to Re-Investigate Vaccines and Autism, Despite Decades of Evidence Showing No Link

Weekend, Reuters declare Disease control and prevention centers plan to cause a large investigation to be caused by autism. It is a job that will be a waste of time and money, given how much science is dedicated to the subject.

CDC is one of the United States under the umbrella of the US Health and Human Services Department, now Robert F. Kennedy JR, then president Donald Trump, RFK JR said investigate Paperli connection that claims that “someone should find someone” causing the increase in cases of autism and autism in autism. But in fact, many studies looked at this many questions and the vast majority could not find such a relationship.

Although the Antivation Movement has been available since the days Edward Jenner and his first vaccine In the early 1800s, a special attraction with autism and autism took vapor in late 1990s. In 1998, English Dr. Andrew Wakefield published A widespread research in the Lancet offering a connection between autism and measles, mummes and Rubella vaccine (MMR). Research only 12 children, despite the intercourse of the early media coverage owe He can convince the finds and some people to avoid MMR images.

Even at that time, many other scientists were unsure of the results of Wakefield and the discrepancy did not take long.

In 1999, for example, a Learning Children of the UK Among the vaccines of autism and MMR could not find any evidence of a reason. 2002 of all children born in Denmark in the 1990s ruminate There are no associations between MMR images and autism diagnosis; If there is something, the unparalleled children turned out to be higher risk of autism. Another 2002 year of the Finnish children ruminate There is no connection between MMR vaccine and autism or other serious neurological conditions. 2006 study of Canadian children ruminate Autism and MMR vaccine or Timerosal have no unity between a mercury-based conservative, once not a mercury vaccine. A study of US children’s 2015 also found There are no transitions to the MMR vaccine in children with the older sisters. – It means that young children can be more sensitive. And Denmark children’s 2019 education (conducting some authors as a study of 2002) found again There is no connection between MMR and autism.

The degree of autism, which was diagnosed with the time increased significantly. And it is possible to have certain environmental risk factors such as the air of an old age or more people, as prenatal exposure, can contribute to a real increase in autism. But Many experts argued The majority of this rise is associated with the increase in more criteria on how autism symptoms and autism diagnosed.

Research with them They looked at a possible relationship between vaccines or cases or autism, and some vaccinations. Other studies reduced to finding the brain changes to autism-related brain changes behind this probable link start in the womb. Sometimes, despite the writing of people who support the vaccination of these documents, you can hear a paper variable paper that says otherwise often criticized quickly to watch methodological defects of other researchers.

As I went out, Wakefield’s original 1998 was deadly defective. In 2010, Lancet retreated Paper with a few “wrong” element discovery. The journalist was a retreat of Brian deer watching the full investigation. Found the deka oakilia among many things benefited material MMR vaccine (patented if replaced by a more individual measles vaccine) and it falsely distorted Patient information explained in his research.

Wakerfield’s fake gas gas was decades and countless resources. There is nothing to offer to find something based for wearing this scheduled CDC business In general evidence Indicates that vaccines are not caused by autism. Kennedi’s will has little sign admit Senate, as the Senate promises, when the Senate promises to confirm the HHS leader, the mistakes are bugs.

Kennedy said he was not a proponent against vaccination, but repeatedly disseminated about vaccines At least 20 yearsDebunked connection with autism including. Kenedi during the Senate hearings rejected The concept of extensive scientific consensus on the issue, isolated instead of isolated (and probability is very flawed) Otherwise the last job that speaks.

When this research is planned, the CDC and other institutions will be the latest indicator allowed to enter the Dear Myths, Debunky Myths, bad science and assassination theories.

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