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Amazon joins the quantum computing race with a chip designed for error correction

Amazon declared He said he created his own quantum computing chip and joined Microsoft and Google This potential transformative technology is a push to practice theoretically. Ocelot is a prototype designed to test the effectiveness of the Amazon Web Services Correction of the Quantum error. Compared to other chip methods, the company claims that Ocelot can reduce the cost of up to 90 percent of the correction of quantum errors.

Quantum computing, complex problems can solve standard problems using standard computers faster than quantum bits or gubes, more than traditional bits that keep a computer information from 1 and 0S. Instead of representing only 1 or 0, the gubes can represent a proportion of 1 and 0 at the same time. Ocelot, this step is farther with the use of “cat kgs” for celebrities Schrödinger cat “Compressing the identified error forms” perceived experience according to Amazon.

The wrong exchange rate is one of the main restrictions on quantum calculation, because the pruber is so sensitive to minute changes in the environment. Electromagnetic intervention from a WiFi network can cause a quit to worry and make mistakes. To add more protective to a chip, it means faster calculations, but also more errors.

Ocelot, five data protectors (cat queues), five “buffer circuits” and cats are four kgbit to detect errors in cats. “We have chosen our quantum error and architecture by correction quantum error as the highest demand.” “We believe that if we develop practical quantum computers, the correction of quantum errors must first come.”

Google claimed that the willow chip announced in December was able to reduce the mistakes as they were added to the gubby. Ocelot is another step to reduce mistakes and make reality of useful quantum computers.

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