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Among Us VR is being transformed into a traditional 3D game for PC

VR in us between us proved to have a big shot since First released in 2022. Now developers have released the Innersloth and Schell Games maintained virtual reality title For traditional PC players. Between US 3D can play without headphones and will be available via steam in the near future.

This title keeps the main gameplay loop from the original, but does not go to the first person’s perspective. It is a new way to sabotage your friends and family. Between US 3D For four-to-ten players, there is no need for a third party platform, native intimacy includes voice conversations. MiniGames’s all the backs down, although the pike downloads. Innersloth these details are taking these details.

Have intersection features with VR in us between usBut not the original game. This is a bummer, but understandable. At the same time, the “infinite number of cosmetics customization combinations” will be an expanded suit. There is a new game currency called Stardust, it will be used to get part of these outfits.

“Coming soon” there is no other release date. However, as part of a demo will be available for our players Steam next fest February 24 to March 3. Pre-prepared for the full game already live in steam.

This is the latest cool thing that develops the developer’s innersloth. The company recently A part of a publishing house called outer. There is also one Between us Cartoon in the near future.

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