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Apple Will Enable USB-C Lossless Audio on AirPods Max in April

When Apple releases Baha’s “New” Airpods Max with USB-C Last autumn, I asked headphones USB-C votes and add to additional USB-C to additional USB-C to 3.5 mm to devices with headphones jack. I did not receive a response from Apple, but what the feature was not available at the beginning … Strange. Now Apple says Both features are coming In April, the maximum (with USB-C) airpods as part of a firmware upgrade (with USB-C).

With The original lighting airpods maxyou can buy Lightning up to $ 3.5 mm for $ 35 Get high quality loss of voice from your computer (or a special music player) and connect to flight entertainment systems. Apple was not entering the cable with 549 Holphones, especially because it is noticeably good for my voices when listening to losses on my computer with a string.

The advantage of AirPods Max with USB-C, headphones can use the USB-C charging cable to connect to the PC, smartphone or tablet, equipped with USB-C. Moreover, Apple will sell you to $ 3.5 mm to $ 39. Again such a cable should be included in the headphones so expensive (currently discounted) $ 480 in Amazon), but at least it will be available now.


Apple will start selling $ 3.5 mm to USB-C for $ 39 in April.

Apple / CNET

“With this update, the airpods will unlock the voice of the Max, 24 bit, 48 kHz, which allows the artist to create a music experience in the studio, and more than 100 million songs in the audio of users to give an accurate, uncompromising and immersive experience they can enjoy. “

The press also notes that using the USB-C cable, the AirPods MAX leads to create both of the musicians and create individual voices with head tracking. ” In addition, players will evaluate Ultralow-Latental audio.

If you have maximum weather conditions and have not used them in string mode, it is worth trying: I saw a significant increase in sound quality without wireless listening. As the Revitalized Airlines tested in string mode, I will update this article with my impressions with my hands.

Read more: Apple Airpods Pro 3 Release History in Shais

Apple music offers millions of losses.

Apple / CNET

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