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Armed men miss with them in the Oromia region

Dozens of bus passengers in Ethiopia were abducted by armed people in the country’s largest region, because while traveling from Ababa to the capital, while traveling from Ababa.

Details are just the formation of thefts that occur early this week.

The incident took place in Ali Doron 100 university students near an area where there are about 100 university students Because they go home from last July campuses.

Survivors and local authorities accused the Oromo Liberation Army (ODI), the rebel group of the riot group (be). The group rejected the participation.

Touching on the incident of this week, he said he received the reports of thefts and said that it was “investigation”.

According to a local media by a report, passengers were going to the passengers Debre Marco because the passengers were attacked by the attacks of firefly with the local security forces.

Another report was attacked because at least one of the buses were killed. According to this report, the number of kidnapped may be up to 50.

The government did not say anything about thefts and attempts to get the official response to the BBC.

The abduction of entrepreneurs – are increasingly widespread in the area, including passengers. The armed groups here demanded a ransom to release the people they caught in the past.

It is said that this is the largest ethnic group of Ethiopia, Oromo struggles to determine their destiny.

The federal parliament has been classified as a terrorist organization and operates in various fields in the orom, including Ali Doron’s region.

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