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Armis buys Otorio for $120M to beef up cybersecurity in physical spaces

More consolidation in the security industry, platform players combine as sowing technology to provide deeper expertise in growing jobs. Thursday, ArmorA specialist of $ 4.2 billion in the management of cyber exposure, said this would be obtained Authorioa specialist that provides industry and physical environments.

Deal conditions are not disclosed, sources close to the operation, Armis – San Francisco based, but the San Francisco-based TECHCRUNCH – $ 120 million for OTORIO. Previously, a strategic investor in Tel Aviv based on a strategic investor, Andritz lifted $ 50 million from a strategic investor Pitchbook Information.

Otorio’s flagship product is called titanium and Armis’ centrix platform will be integrated. Until now, Armis’ s focus is in cloud services and risk determination and management of this attacking surface. As an example of this type of work: Earlier this year, he said they said that his clients were blocked from China to the new AI model from China, and then continued publish research to explain why.

Otorio Tech, sometimes focusing on an area outside of attention – complements industrial machines and more widespread industrial environments. These environments are often thought to be inhabited by “dumb” physical equipment. However, the machines are gradually replaced by more related models and are equally sensitive when they do – perhaps more, when reviewing the critical nature of some industrial infrastructure.

The technique is a non-industrial work of ARMIS, but “Super Safe” and co-founder Yevgeni Dibrov’s words “super safe” and thus require security solutions.

“We add a few strong components to our platform, especially our platform, especially the environment, especially the aircraft environments, especially the aircraft environments, especially zero. “Otorio really helps us to raise to the next level for this environment.”

To OTORIO, to get, as a standalone start, it is an opportunity to zoom in and out in a way that it will be more difficult.

“Armis became the leadership of cyber exposure management, and made the best of unparalleled visibility, security and risk management and risk management, CEO and OTORIO’s co-founder.”

The last decade, early stage cyber, was a great thing: always with a large-scenery of danger, hundreds of companies have worked with millions of companies funded from VCS to innovate in an advanced area. But there are recently, there are thing The late-stage companies get a large part of the money there. This is a more open way for a very small start of the M & A choice.

When companies like wiz grow billions to give fuel A handmade missionOthers, like Armis, are also framed as buyers. Otorio, Armis’ is the third purchase, as well as the third in a year’s space. (Obtained Silk safety In April 2024, $ 150 million and CTCI $ 20 million in February 2024 to $ 20 million.)

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