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ASUS’ new mouse has a built-in aromatic oil diffuser

Asus have launched a new mouse It comes with an internal fragrance section that can be filled with aromatic essential oils. Why don’t you feel focused, we don’t know you will want a mouse but well … Option (for some reason) is now available. If you want to change odors, you can only wash the vial and fill it in a different way. Notice that the vial is in the lower part, so you should not accidentally hurt and mix the aromatic oils on your desk. You can also use 100 percent clean essential oils and you will have to fill the cane diffusers, ultrasound diffusers and fragrant diffusers and fragrant diffusers and fragrant diffusers.

The Asus fragrance has three adjustable DPI levels in the mouse, 1200dpi, 1600dpi and 2,400DPI, allows you to change sensitivity when needed in different screen resolutions or different games. First person you would like to use a higher DPI for games that need fast answers like shooters. There is also 2,4GHz wireless and Bluetooth connection you can use to connect to different laptops and computers. The mouse cannot be charged, but the Asus says an AA battery can be strengthened over a year. In addition, the company says the key will continue for 10 million clicks. The Asus must announce how much the perfume mouse will cost and when it will be, but you can easily get a diffuser from Amazon after the fragrance.

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