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At least 4 construction employees were killed after an avalanche in India

At least four workers died after one avalanche swept a large construction squad The Indian Army, who worked on a highway near the Hindan and a mountainous border with India, told Saturday.

The incident took place on Friday, near the transition to the northern city of the city, and 55 construction workers were first under the snow. 50 rescuers took 50 employees, four of them were killed and four people were killed, in the announcement of the Indian army.

This, five employees, the remaining five workers, rescuers and military helicopters continued with many teams that scan the scene. The statement did not show the number of injured, but they are “prioritizing for evacuation.”

Chandrashekhar Vashistha, an elderly administrative official, was seriously injured and hospitalized.

Many of the closed workers, expanding a highway and expand the black road and operate on a black project, Migrant workers, the last village of the last village passes through the Last village, Tibet.

“Due to heavy snowfall, the rescue work was slow, and the area was unavailable,” he said. Rescuers said they had to work with several feet of snow, snowstorms and weak visibility.

Avalanches and landslides are spread in the upper parts of the Himalayas – especially in the winter season.

Scientists have warned that climate change is full of fossil fuel full of human burning Excessive air events make more heavy And if the less predictable, winter snow and ice melts, faster and storm systems are super charged in the hot oceans of the earth.

In 2021, almost 100 people died in Uttarakhand Glacier tank fell into a riverFlood trigger. Monson Flood and landslide in 2013 Caused 6,000 people to be killed and to investigate the development of development projects in the state.

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